The Transition Experts

heartSteve Rother – Greetings, I am the Scientist of the Heart.

I am happy to join you today. Humanity is in the midst of a major transition, What you may not know is that you are experts in the transition you are moving through, Most of you have experienced this before. You see, the Earth is transitioning in many different ways and you are starting to see physical proof of that.

Let us tell you that you are right on target. Do not think that you are in the way of anything, you placed yourself here intentionally and we are so incredibly proud of you. What we are telling you is that there is more forthcoming. Yes, of course there are more Earth changes coming. You can see that and consider it to be like the birth pangs of a mother in labor. But at the same time, this is leading to a huge transition of the spirit.

You are able to move back into light body before the energy shifts get difficult. Yes, there will be some that choose to stay right where they are. There will be some that grasp strongly to the old ideas and even some of the challenges that push the timeline forward on the changes. They are not right or wrong. That is important to understand for there is no right or wrong. Everyone is going to be choosing their own path and for those of you who wish to be part of the change, you have some wonderful things coming.

Planting Seeds of Light

First, let us speak of technologies. Yes, there are scary things down the path for all humans with new technologies. Artificial intelligence itself is going to scare people and but we also tell you, you have some wonderful ways of adapting those technologies to help in some of the transitions and even help ease the pains of the Mother. Yes, many of you will find ways to work with these so welcome these, look for them. Encourage them and those of you that can support them, do so. You will also have new technologies that will help all human communicate more freely. The reality is that you already have a stronger connection to spirit.

What happens in the collective? The collective wave of humanity is in shock at this moment. Many have taken steps backwards even in their own evolution out of fear. This is very common and yet the evolution still moves forward. There are many of you who will hold the light in that darkness. There are many of you who stood in line to reserve your position on planet Earth during these special times so that you could be there and be part of this change. Look at these steps backwards as loading the spring that can throw all humans forward.

Humanity now lives fully in the 5th dimension collectively. When the majority of humans learn to stop attempting to use old 3rddimensional rules the big steps will start in the collective.   We tell you, it was only magical people before that could have that deep connection to spirit.  You called them gifted and special masters. You are moving to a time very soon when all of you can have that connection. Now what you will find is that channeling is not nearly as mysterious as it used to be. You will all find that you all have a part of that. You call it by different names but it is there for all to claim. New energies are opening for all of you to connect deeper to yourselves, to start listening to your own spirits and your own guides.

Many of you will have new guides that will step in place and start to speak to you in new ways. They will remind you of information that somewhere in your heart you have known and you can validate through your own experience and even pass on to others.

Many of you have come in to hold the door open for others in the wake of tragedy. It is no secret to tell you that much more of this is ahead for humanity. Send energy and consciousness to all of these situations.

Know that every tragedy brings the heart of humanity closer together. For that short time it creates a common problem to solve and in that moment you stop fighting each other. It creates opportunities for heroes to emerge and show the true nature of humanity. If you are not one of the people who have experienced tragedy, your task is to receive.

Send energy to the first responders and all that want to help in these times. They are gifts: gifts of light to everyone no matter what political stance they have, no matter what religious or spiritual beliefs they have, no matter the color of their skin. Assisting other humans unconditionally can be one of the greatest gifts that all can give to each other.

You can make a difference

You are Lightworkers, each and every one of you. Many of you have come in with specific information and some of you have hidden it from yourselves because of past lives. Some of you have come in with empathic abilities and found it necessary to hold your own energies very tight so that you are not harmed or misused in some way. Now is the time to start opening that heart energy, to start loving freely.

You will find that your vulnerabilities are the base of the greatest strengths.  Do this and you will start to remember the gifts you had in Lemuria. Here you could feel each other’s pain and do whatever you could to ease that pressure. This was the ultimate of empathy and it led to harmony that has yet to be revisited on Earth.

Yes, there is much of this taking place right now on this planet and all of you hold a key and every one of you holds the opportunity to make a huge difference during these times.

Yes, there will be new technologies available. You are becoming aware that there are no more secrets, especially with your technologies. Expect hacking to be commonplace and you will not be taken by surprise. Are any of these technologies evil to watch out for?  No, of course not.

There is no evil. That is an illusion of polarity that all of you have created and bought into. We tell you there is no hell. Yes, that was a wonderful concept that humans invented so that they could project polarity into spirit where it does not exist. That illusion is not needed any longer. You can step forward into your own creations and that is what we are going to challenge all of you to do.

Yes, many of you are reeling from the tragedies that have happened and continue to happen. We did tell you that a line has been crossed.  Many of you are tapped into the collective where you feel the pain of the changes and what you call PTSD. This can be seen as a shock wave that shoots through every heart. Know that you hold answers and that is what we have come to share with you today.

Technologies of the Heart

Technologies of the Heart are 5th dimensional attributes that give you the ability to use the heart in new ways. We ask each of you to take special care of yourself as you will need your strength, support and balance in the days ahead. This is a balance that you came with. You came with a special energy and contracts to use that energy during these times of transition. Does it mean you are going to write a book? Does it mean you are going to change your life? Does it mean you are going to step into a whole new spiritual aspect? Does it mean you will move?

It means you must be ready to do all of those things if spirit aligns them for you. Many times it will be the small things that really make a difference. Touching one heart to another sometimes even offering a smile in the face of adversity will remind people that they are spirit first and human second. Reminders people of their spirit will make life in these times of transition much easier for all.

You can make a huge difference here on planet Earth right now. Do not wait for changes to come for they are here. You will see more over time and we tell you, you play a part in all of this no matter where you are. There is no one on the Earth just taking up space.

You may feel like you have completed most of your contracts but we tell you that you are not done or you would not be here. Many of you have diversified yourselves and in doing so find that you have very few friend around you. Just know that if this has happened it is because those friendships were built on one level and then you moved to a new level.

Do not judge yourselves as you are never really alone and many of your old friends will find you again in time. Do not feel like you have lost, you are just getting started and the connections you make and the things you start bringing forward will open the door for the next stage of humanity. You are stepping into a body of light, losing some of the density that has caused you so much polarity and so many challenges over such a long time.

I am the Scientist of the Heart and I tell you, there is so much more coming. You have had dreams where your thoughts can become reality in an instant. That reality is closer than you think. That which you balance between your head and your heart suddenly manifests in front of you right now. We tell you, it is coming. Practice it. Step into it and yes, if you do it and it seems to fail, do it again. Do not stop there; you are much stronger than you can possibly imagine and we are right behind you every step of the way.

Enemies are only an illusion

We love you more than you could possibly know for you are the angels that have taken off your wings, put on a dense bubble of biology to play this game. Many of you have even completed the game of pretending to be a human, able to step into another reality but here you are one more time to help everyone make these transitions into light. We call upon you now to join hands. Send out your energy and your unconditional love into the world.

Find ways of loving those who you abhor. Know that no one is good or bad, they are only moving in different directions looking for the same light. Your enemies are only an illusion. Start breaking down those barriers now and you will lose the polarity that is left on planet Earth, This will help you to live a full life in the 5th dimension right now. That makes the next steps of humanity so incredibly easy. Enjoy the journey, and know that we are right behind you every step of the way.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and hold those doors open whenever possible and play the new game well together.

I am the Scientist of the Heart.


The group

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

SF Source Beacons of Light Oct 2017

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