Shadows at High Noon & The Lunar Eclipse

UranusLaura Walker – Hello Wise Owls, we are entering a bit of a mystery because our best friend since the New Moon in Scorpio on November 4th, Uranus, is making itself known. Uranus is predictable only in its unpredictability.

At high noon Eastern time on Wednesday, Mars will oppose Uranus. Then at 3:33 pm, Venus will fall into the shadow of its upcoming retrograde.

This sets the stage for Friday’s Partial Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon. There is nothing “partial” about this eclipse, and I will cover that on a PIR recording with Phoenix tomorrow.  For now, one day at a time, because Wednesday is about as important as the eclipse and the upcoming Venus retrograde Wednesday foreshadows.

There are two things to remember:

1 – Accidents And Explosive Tempers

With Mars opposing Uranus, we want to slow down. Both Mars and Uranus are speedy. In fact, plan ahead for extra time to get somewhere. Accidents occur, and sudden, unexpected changes surface. Take care while driving, double check that electrical items are turned off, and make sure flames have been extinguished.

Mars will be located at the degree for this Scorpio cycle – “an inventor performs a laboratory experiment.” So this reactivates or re-imprints the NWO’s mission to “perform changes” to humanity — their “great reset experiment.”

Uranus is still located at “a porter carrying heavy baggage.” This relates to what brings us down or weighs heavily on us. The energies of Mars and Uranus ultimately want to free us, free situations, free control paradigms, and free heavy burdens. In opposition to this, the remaining archons and their minions want to impose more burdens and controls on us.  This is not going to the way they think it will.

2 – Relationships And Values

The shadow of the Venus retrograde begins today with Venus at 12 Capricorn – “a student of nature lecturing, revealing little-known aspects of life.”

When Venus goes retrograde in December, it will go as far back “in time” as 12 Capricorn before it stations direct and starts heading forward again. That is how we know that Venus is in shadow starting on Wednesday. It goes this far back, so what is happening now will be lead back on January 29, 2022 (and March 1, 2022, when Venus goes fully out of the shadow).

All of Venus’ retrograde focuses on “a student of nature lecturing…” and the other degree of its retrograde, 27 Capricorn – “a mountain pilgrimage.” We understand that Venus retrograde will be like an uphill climb. We are conditioned to this symbol. We have been on a pilgrimage for a long time. We understand that this is coming to a head, and that things will not be like this forever.

In the process, “a student of nature” (a teacher) tells us about things we did not know about life. I am up for an uphill climb if I know I am going to learn about a treasure of life (wisdom). How about you?

Now that Venus begins the shadow of its retrograde, the effects begin to be felt in all sorts of personal and professional relationships so that we can see the value of them or otherwise.

Venus retrograde gives us the opportunity for appreciation and gratitude. True values emerge. What we could not see before Venus retrograde, we can see after its retrograde. It sets things right. We want to set things right.

If things do not go your way on Wednesday, there is a silver lining that will come later. This always happens when Uranus is involved. Things that seemed like a rejection, bad luck or luck of the draw, or fate are placing change around you. It is always too soon to judge the outcome of events with Uranus’ Lightning when it strikes.

Uranus brings the excitement and the anxiety of change, and maybe you have felt this already during this Scorpio cycle. One Anonymous Wise Writer Owl described it this way:

I feel like I am on a river, approaching a big rapid. There is that feeling of anticipation, nerves, excitement, focus, the unknown. The moment, sitting on the precipice, butterflies in your gut, a sense of the other, before you take that first stroke into the rapid.

We feel you, Anonymous Wise Writer Owl.

In the next report, I will return to the old fashioned way I used to write the report, with the Moon Phases and Higher/Lower Octaves and the structure of that, for the “rapids.” Navigation? Not an issue.

Much love, L

SF Source Oracle Report Nov 2021

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