Shady Reason Why Biden is Capping Off Disastrous Week with Another Vacation

Ben Cope – President Biden is very tired from screwing up every decision that faces the Oval Office. Whether it’s his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, bungling of the border crisis, or borderline treason in his foreign policy affairs, Biden is begging for a break. Again.

As the White House reporter with the AP, Zeke Miller, reported on Wednesday, “Biden will spend the weekend in Wilmington,” per the Federal Aviation Administration.

Per FAA, Biden will spend the weekend in Wilmington.

While dozens of Americans are still believed to be in danger in the terrorist-infested hellhole that he left abroad after two decades of war, Biden will slink off to his familiar sojourn of Delaware: One of the tiniest states in the land for one of the nation’s tiniest men.

But it may not be merely fatigue that is pressing on the president to return to his Delaware home. AgainAnd againAnd again.

There is a more likely explanation for his now-nineteen Delaware getaways: That is where he can meet his presidential advisers without the pesky problem of public records.

“Has anyone asked why he has to leave the White House, that has visitor logs, and goes to Delaware, that doesn’t, every weekend?” Author, pundit, and attorney Kurt Schlichter saliently asks.

Why, yes. Yes we have asked this question before. Back when Biden was only on seventeen visits to his Delaware home, Fox News reported that the White House refuses to disclose who the hell Biden is meeting with.

“I can confirm we are not going to be providing information about the comings and goings of the president’s grandchildren or people visiting him in Delaware,” Psaki said at her daily press briefing.

While the president was apparently in a hurry to move on from meeting Gold Star families still in mourning for their loved ones lost in Biden’s debacle, since he checked his watch roughly every five seconds, it turns out he doesn’t have any particular place to go.

So, he will travel back to Delaware, away from the White House that he frequents on occasion. If the American people got their way, Biden would just go home and stay there.

SF Source Liberty Sword Sep 2021

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