The Rehearsal Is Over

“Every being in the world is being invited to redefine their priorities and reorient their attention so it is in alignment with the consciousness of their Presence. This involves shifting one’s focus away from the outer material world distractions into connecting with the eternal essence of the soul that resides within. To ascend into the freedom of the 5th dimension, time must be given to establish an ever-deeper connection with your Presence. Your beloved God Presence in concert with those of us in the Ascended Realms are stimulating your hearts to assist you in remembering that you came to Earth to reinstate your spiritual inheritance and to implement your service according to your magnificent Divine Crystalline Blueprint for these times.” – The Ascended Masters in the Councils of Shamballa

The tremendous Love and Light that is now pouring into your Earth and into the hearts of every soul on Earth is giving humanity the ability to merge with their Presence and ascend into Unity Consciousness. Many are now moving out of a maze that has kept souls stuck within an unimaginably intricate network of thoughts, memories, concepts, opinions and beliefs in limitation.

One of the ways to move out of this maze is to place your full attention on living each and every moment as your Presence. You can assist in this wondrous process by keeping your awareness on whatever is right before you. If you can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, touch it, or sense it internally, then you are living as your Presence lives ~ in the moment.

Regardless of appearances, everything and everyone is constantly inviting you to merge with your God-created essence and this can only happen when you are truly present. In those exquisite moments, thoughts simply cease and your mind instantly becomes still. The past has dropped away to reveal a new world that is free of your ideas, opinions, beliefs and projections and you are then awake to the truth of who you are as the Presence of God embodied.

Your internal experience of your True Self will keep expanding into your everyday awareness for as long as you remain present. Each moment you have a choice to be present, or you can choose to wander off into the endless domains of your thinking mind. These kinds of choices are at the very heart of free will, yet know that your life is always being radically affected by the choices you make and the more you choose to be present, the more the Presence will be able to expand within the whole of your being.

Each moment that you are present will keep nurturing your awareness of your true unlimited Self. Whether you are thinking or not, practice being present within every moment and within every activity until the awareness of your Presence completely expands within you and you are living each and every moment in the freedom of your unlimited Presence.

As the Earth continues to ascend in consciousness, many changes will continue to take place within all of life and nothing will be able to hold these changes at bay since the glorious Divine Blueprint for your world and all who live within it has already been set into motion.

We have often proclaimed that there is a parting of the ways between those who have chosen and are doing what they can to support the ascension of consciousness and those who are doing nothing. This is more true today than ever before and it is a major part of the change that is presently taking place. You are all moving into a level that reflects your true vibration. To remain within the higher vibrations and ascend into your own unlimitedness, you must sustain your relationship with your Presence and implement your service to expand Unity Consciousness.

You will always feel at home with like-minded, loving souls who are dedicated to living as their Presence and co-creating a new Golden Age. When you come together in Council with us, it expands your collective service in the world while assisting you to maintain the integrity of your relationship with your Presence. We applaud all who have chosen to give yourself fully to helping others to awaken to the truth of themselves as expressions of God on Earth. Once this is known, the rehearsal is over and your service naturally unfolds as you truly begin to live the glorious life you came here to live.

To assist you in co-creating in Council with us and manifesting your Divine Blueprint for these pivotal times, Conscious Co-Creation with the Masters has been created. We invite you to participate.


Conscious Co-Creation with the Masters, August 20, September 10, October 1 & 22
Online Worldwide.  For more information, go to:

SF Source WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster  Sept 3 2014

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