Simplify and streamline

plutoLorna Bevan – At last, the Sun and the inner planets have completed their harsh oppositions to Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter and squares to Uranus. That means the trines to Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter over the next few weeks should be good for understanding, stability and balanced practicality.

Keep in mind that all the change agent outer planets – Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Quaoar and Ixion – are retrograde and Mercury enters his shadow retrograde zone on September 5/6th.

This is a time to become an Intronaut- reviewing, re-framing, reflecting and going deeper. Streamline and simplify as much as possible, to stay on track and to give yourself space to explore new possibilities to be lived in the future. Despite the general craziness, it’s a great time to get clear about many things, to integrate elements of your life, ready to explore new approaches to your craft/service which will evolve into new tools and strategies in 2022.

As Venus clashes with Pluto and Disruptor Eris, the Sun trines unpredictable Uranus and Mars opposes Neptune, be ready to discover that your cherished map of the world is not congruent with current reality. As the NLP Pre-supposition says: ”The map is not the territory”. How liberating….just allow the inner update to reorient you.

For September’s emerging pathways, sign up to my 5D Report: ”Free Fall-the New Normal”

As well as the big picture 5D astrology, September’s Report delivers usable strategies for living with complexity, uncertainty and entanglement, for resourcing and befriending yourself whilst unhooking your star from the Over-Culture.

Chandra Symbol Venus 25 Libra: In the midst of a forest, a great circular open area

“In Celtic lands, steeped in a power beyond the world, there were openings always into other times and places, from within this time and place.

Discovering once again these passages and sending an expanded part of yourself to explore and inhabit all of the times and places officially denied.

And being therefore given to a harkening to the unknown and to simultaneously feeling linked up with just about everybody everywhere in a mystical, magical realization that pulls you along and calls one to become free and true, you walk onward into the limitless ways as though you had never lost them and no time had elapsed between great inward breaths.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Aug 2021

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