Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and MirrorsLorna Bevan – This astrology means business. Switch your bullshit detector on and take absolutely nothing at face value. The truth may be out there but it’s deliberately camouflaged, hidden and masked in power plays, subterfuge and fake agendas posing as reality.

Lord of Karma Saturn turns direct on October 23rd in Aquarius in a clash with Uranus/Node of Fate in Taurus. A partial solar eclipse at 2 Scorpio on the 25th of October anchors a seismic shock window that extends from October 18 to November 1.

This is the same eclipse family as the potent April/May Taurus/Scorpio eclipses. Visible from parts of Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Africa, expect geo-thermal activity, chemical accidents and with the accompanying Mars Max retrograde station, international tensions bordering on military conflict. Safeguard your resources and finances.

Remember that an eclipse conceals, it never reveals, so if you have anything near or aspecting 2° Taurus /Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius in your chart, avoid important decisions and big expenditure. Eclipses are maverick wild cards that shine a spotlight on the reality of your circumstances or coincide with a crisis. This is just the lead up to a doozy of a seismic Total Blood Moon eclipse on November 9th in Taurus.

In a recipe for yet more chaos and confusion, Mars in Gemini stations retrograde on October 30th until January 13th square slippery Neptune in Pisces. Anticipate communication failures, including deliberate miscommunication in the media along with technological breakdowns, power cuts, hacks, theft, fraud and cyber wars. Also watch out for accidents on the road and in the air and be careful while driving. Double check for mistakes creeping into your texts, posts or emails accidentally offending people.

New! Pluto’s Extinction Burst is intensifying. Jarring events will escalate in November at the Total Blood Moon Eclipse – be prepared – sign up to my November 5D Report. For immediate access to 12 Reports per year for only $4.08 /£3.70/ 6.31 AUD per month or one payment of $46.12/£40/68.24 AUD.

Chandra Symbol Solar Eclipse SCORPIO 3: Pigs being fed.

“Feast or famine. Generating a world with an either/or switch. As soon as you have had your fill you starve yourself down to spiritual emaciation. Denying yourself is a karmic pattern that you are chronically hooked on.

Granting yourself brief reprieves from this ancient sentence is the only way to blow off steam and survive for another round.

Everything points forward as soon as you stop blaming yourself for past misdeeds and come afresh to life, hungry and willing.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Oct 2022

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