Solstice is Thursday, December 21, 2023

Winter Solstice 2023Lena Stevens – The solstice is a still point where the sun reverses its cycle and the days get either longer from this point on or shorter. A still point creates an opportunity where we can access the void, the space between the past we are releasing and the future which has not yet been manifest.

The void provides a container of freedom to make different choices and to raise the bar for yourself on how you want to go forward in your life. This is also a time of completions and focusing on what you are leaving behind more so than what you wish to manifest in the future. The clean up to create space is much more important than gathering what you think you will need for your future intentions.

For this Solstice we recommend a balance of social and personal time so you have a chance to go inward into your own depths to reflect and allow for what needs to be completed to surface with clarity. Work with the sun’s energy and use the spirit of fire as an ally to cleanse, burn and release the old.

Write your releases down on a paper and burn or bury them. Also write what you have learned from all your experiences in 2023 and send some gratitude for the lessons, the teachings and the wisdom that is now a part of you. You can either burn the gratitude sheet or keep it on the altar as a reminder.

You can also write down some intentions if they are clear and coming from the heart. Solstices can be times of healing as they support the shift point where you release, forgive and reset something that has perhaps kept you hostage.

With this solstice we enter into a time frame until the next solstice where we are revising, restructuring, revaluing, repatterning and recommitting to living the way of our truth.

This is not a mental exercise so be in your heart and listen to the intelligence, wisdom, intuition and truth of your heart. Use that truth as a guide and compass to clarify any intentions you set for yourself for this next cycle. This next year is a big one and it is highly recommended to be as prepared as possible.

Happy Solstice and many Blessings for the Holiday Season and the New Year!


SF Source The Power Path Dec 2023

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