All things are possible…

solutionsThe Angels –  There are so many ways that your life can change for the better. Even using all your human resources you can conceive of so very few. If you try to solve your own problems you will employ ways you have already learned, ways you’ve heard of or read, or perhaps ways recommended by others. You might even use your Internet to find solutions.

While that might seem like an abundance of options to you, the Divine dwells in infinite possibility. With all the solutions you could discover using human thinking, these are but a tiny segment of the infinite number of ways in which your reality could shift.

Never limit yourself to only what you know how to achieve for as you know, with God all things are possible.

Your heart beats and your lungs breathe and yet most of you have a rudimentary understanding of how this takes place. You know that the rains fall, the sun shines, and yet how many of you know the mechanisms by which these occur? The flowers bud in the spring. The gardens grow.

You are surrounded by miracles every day and yet when a challenge arises in your life, or a dream seems out of reach, it is all too human and very easy to forget that the same creator that watches over the coordination of universes can assist you in your life.

Dear ones, dwell in possibility. Allow yourself to dream the dreams in your heart. Allow yourself to believe that there are miraculous solutions to your challenges. With God, and with faith, all things are possible. Breathe. Believe. Receive.

SF Source Visions of Heaven April 2017

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