Something In Form Is Disappearing….

Something In Form Is Disappearing….Lorna Bevan – On April 20, an ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse begins as an annular ring of fire eclipse and transitions into a sky-darkening total eclipse along its path. It is the first solar eclipse in Aries since 2006 and starts a whole series of wild card eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis between now and March 29, 2025.

This eclipse is an uncanny echo of the April 19 2004 solar eclipse at 29° Aries. To track the thread in your own life, think about to what changed for you back then.

To prepare for all 4 eclipses in 2023, get: “Making Eclipses Work for You” which includes 18 Coaching Tools

Make a note of the dates of the seismic geo-physical storm window extending from April 16-23 and make sure you get extra hydration and grounding and reduce your agenda during this time. These are important days of multiple energy bridges, gateways and choice points. Watch for sudden sideways elevators tilting your daily reality so that you suddenly slip and slide into radically new physical, emotional and soulful territory.

This first cosmic wild card eclipse is conjunct Jupiter and Disruptor Eris in Aries clashing with Great Eliminator Pluto at 0° Aquarius just as Trickster Mercury stations conjunct unpredictable Uranus in Taurus. Its opposition to Haumea conjunct the karmic South Node of Fate is an opportunity to apply your skills and resources to create or re-create.

Something or someone in form that you previously thought was essential is about to disappear. Let them go…it’s time.

Pay attention to: –

♦ the evolution of your relationships through karmic lessons -who is no longer on your wavelength?

♦ pivotal realisations and impulsive feelings – are you living for yourself or for others?

♦ a turbo-charged fresh start that might require you to leave a piece of your old life behind

♦ self-discovery, breaking free, renewed independence, ambition, striving, restlessness, feeling wired

Chandra Symbol Solar Eclipse 29 Aries: Dr Jekyll drinks the potion

“The unconscious mind and the subconscious mind bear seeds of worlds which the conscious mind has yet to penetrate. These worlds can turn from dark to light and back again, but they are there, crying out to be fathomed, accessed, given their part in the dance.

It is no longer possible to push into far shadows that part of the light which dwells in darkness. You must bring up all of the hidden places. So that nobody can deny how all of our being longs to be known, to be seen, to be activated, to freely partake in the dance of life.”
Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Apr 2023

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