Something Shiny

Something ShinyNoodled Lynne – Loving the phrase you are something shiny. You know it when this phrase applies to you, AND sometimes each of us just need to have this called out and validated. Ideally, you are seen by a total stranger with no agenda or knowledge of you. They see your shiny self and say so. It feels good to your very core. Perhaps you are the one to see them…an equally shiny moment.

I had a great conversation with a very religious dear friend. She told me she should judge me for my unconventional approach to Spirit, but sees the dedication to love in my every action and my ongoing dedication to be in service. She claimed she could see Spirit flow through me and I am something shiny. She hopes to shine this much herself, so continues trying to be better.

First I quipped about throwing myself off of the pedestal and being naughty immediately…lol.

Then inspiration struck me…I asked her if she was trying so hard to be better that she missed the inspiration. You know the whisper in your very soul to do something that makes no sense until later. I’ll tell you what… it was as if I said to her, ‘You are something shiny, so BE it.’

The rules seemed to be getting in the way of her good heart. We decided, the Outback Steakhouse tagline got it right. “No rules, just right.” Do what your heart calls to you. Often it may make NO sense…but do it anyway, so you never regret not trying to follow inspiration and end up betraying your good heart.

When you see the world through the eyes of your heart, you start to feel everything. That’s right, I said eyes of your heart… Not the ones in the back of your head.

Right now I feel worry, chaos, grief, fear, ‘what if’s’, even rage. It is an emotionally heavy sensation with most doubling down on the logic of the eyes in the back of their head.

Through my heart, I can discern their feelings are not my feelings. I offer compassion with a sometimes supportive, sometimes contrasting opinion…but mostly focused on compassion. I can also feel the heartless actions. Sigh… very dark.

IF they feel the need to be in the chaos, my opinion is it took them a long time to get to that point, so I must honor it. Trust me I dove headlong into this life pool before looking to explore the chaos as a treasure hunt to my soul growth. I found perfection in chaos…ruh-roh. Turns out for me going through it, was the way out. Controlling it…not so pleasant.

Please know my opinion doesn’t need to be right, I’m just loving each person where they are at and wishing them a more joy filled and spectacular ride, as this is a very malleable reality we play in. Play well is my advice!!

Low Frequency

VLF (Very low frequency) can be created within your being by sustaining darker emotions. This takes away from being something shiny. To an extreme, it’s as if someone else stepped into your body and you are a much darker version of yourself. You are walking around broadcasting those very heavy emotions…at toxic levels. Truly you are what you consume. Think of this like nutrition. You can move out of this dark embrace, if you choose to… Dream big and believe it.

Are you on committed diet of chaos that acknowledges the sensations created by a fatalistic global narrative? Can you see the story from 360 degrees or only one perspective? Can you feel the uncomfortable stretch by even reading this question?

Are you holding room for exploration or only judgment in your body and emotions?

What do you wish for? What do you wish for others? Are they the same?

Do you need to control the outcome or can you let go?

Would you know shear joy if it bit you in the behind?

Chaos is a Life Door

Many people are so committed to the narrative of chaos that they are shifting into a lower frequency and they can’t hear the subtle breeze of other brighter perspectives. They are choosing the chaos door.

I sense they are missing the possibility to look at a different door in life….the door that has SO Much opportunity and life force oozing from its hinges. Most will tell you they don’t feel good about their life or where the global life is taking humanity. They are quite in tune and being really honest about their experience.

I, for one, appreciate this amazing insight. Once people see/state the condition of their own dark cloud, they can either beat up on themselves about it (creating more VLF’s) or they can say wow, I am really deep in this… And release… falling into the rapids of life unfolding. Becoming their best form of FIERCE.

The world and reality are confusing and weighing heavily. The world happenings don’t effect how you show up in the world. Well that’s not entirely true. It impacts you if your priorities are to get sucked into the story unfolding, rather than enjoying the flow of who you are and making choices about life’s grand adventure. This becomes your reality (in that form) if you allow it.

As a spiritual essence having a human expression it is about experiencing the whole range of well…experiences. Riding the rapids is the current life-show…Grab a paddle, let’s go! This in no way implies this is risk free. The price of freedom is high.

Right now it seems super easy to get stuck on one note of the song. Try another note! There is magic in the music.

Bad news…There is no planning for a spiritual experience. The spiritual experience will show up randomly and at the perfect moment. The question is how can you fully prepare to receive, so you don’t miss this divine moment, especially when it knocks you sideways. You also can’t control the exit doors or outcome of things, so best to get on with upgrading your frequencies and dressing up this life to something shiny. Btw, did you know control is also low frequency…just sayin’.

There is a pounding of the current stories that are intentionally causing chaos and spinning this potent time as a fear-based negative. Your wish will be granted if you fixate on the truth of that. The light force that is trying to come into the portal of this reality is very different than the global narrative.

This is not to say avoid the conversation, or the unfolding of the story into reality. See it and determine how your life will dance with that or not. Life is not static…never has been. Right now darker frequencies are trying to get the whole global population to dance their darkest one note tune. No thank you…how boring. Embrace this dance partner if you’d like to, or be inspired to stay unique and fly higher. Empowerment lives in the latter and is worth the chase. YES, I believe in universal laws, including law of cause and effect. I am living proof of change your mind; change your life.

Hope to see you on the dance floor of life. You can recognize me for sure…I am the shiny one, giving back while embracing my mischief as part of the divine play. No guarantee how long I get to play, so I am on it! J

SF Source Heart Star Books Sep 2023

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