Been Down So Long…

Zen-Haven February 25 2013

It seems to be getting increasingly obvious on a daily basis that the western society is getting divided into:

Those who have and those who don’t.The west is rolling the time back to its feudalistic roots, where the gap between the rich and poor is widening disproportionately, something we are used to observing in developing countries or through the timeline of history.

Those who have what they need: be it work, money in the bank, food on the table, are having discussions in the media with those who are equally affluent, on how to control those less fortunateby cutting social benefits and accusing them of defrauding the social benefits or welfare program.

The politicians are merely the front line rulers, puppets and stooges for the “shadow people”: the ones we cannot see, the ones that control and dictate all the policies implemented. Poverty is very big business and so is surveillance.

9.11 being a matrix construct, and the fallout from this massive hoax has led to gross violation of privacy, mass spying and the masses conditioned into believing it’s for their own good. The state now has permission to sneak behind the trash can, take a photo and slam a single mum for benefit fraud, to surveillance of electronic activities and these are just a few of civil liberties slowly being taken away from people.

A decade or so ago, before 9.11, no able minded citizen would have put up with this.  This mass conditioning and hypnotic state is being promoted daily by the mainstream media that: We´re in a finical crisis and you are a low income fraud suspect burdening the state.

To add insult to injury, the puppets and stooges propose new taxes on those already struggling or threaten to reduce benefits. Ordinary citizens are being conditioned in to paying taxes to curb global warming, which is another matrix hoax and the proceeds collected go who knows where!

And the population in its hypnotic trance just accepts these lies.

Yesterday I googled: Most profitable year + Business. Wow. Never have the big corporations been so profitable. So: What crisis? Are the companies using this mind bending “Crisis Mode” to slim their organizations down to minimum workers to maximize productivity and profits. Yes!

Are they using their elected puppets and stooges to weaken and decimate the manufacturing sector at home, which provided sustenance for the working class and ship it to China and the East? Yes.

Their Mantra; And those who don’t have shall get even less.

Could I suggest a bold move here for the political systems?

Why don’t you just cut it all? Don’t give people a dime!

The same suggestion does not indicate my own point of view on this, but it will never happen?

The glue to the western societies and their political philosophy no matter if they are way out Left or Right is to keep the population in a state of: Just survival. If that glue should fall and it has done so before, but society and peoples’ consciousness has shifted; society would crack. And that is why they don’t cut it all, yet.

Millions would be taking to the streets in the so-called welfare states of the EU and the U.S. Not being able to make it in the Matrix. Welfare being a code word now meaning: Suspicion agenda. Countries and states are regurgitating that they cannot afford it. That’s a lie: follow the money into the war machines of NATO.

I think this is coming to America, in fact it’s already there. Gun control would be the American Politicians first response because it’s in the making: The Hunger games. In Europe we don’t have arms that way, but people are getting hungry.

I am not naïve. I think the corrupt political system has designed this helplessness felt by the millions who are on the fringes of society.

Continue reading @ Zen-Haven

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