Spinach Juice Health Benefits: Curb Cravings And Boost Weight Loss

Lynn Griffith – Many of us were encouraged to eat our spinach, with the promise that one day we would get bulging muscles like Popeye. While spinach alone may not give us bulging muscles, this superfood leaf does indeed make our bodies stronger!

SpinachSpinach contains alpha-lipoic acid that has been found to lower glucose levels, making this a perfect food for those with diabetes. The chlorophyll in spinach has been shown to block carcinogenic effects, meaning it’s great for cancer prevention. If you have high blood pressure, the high potassium content of spinach is perfect for lowering blood pressure. Spinach is a great source of vitamin K, meaning it will help make your bones big and strong. (1)

Eat spinach to lower blood pressure, protect bones, prevent cancer, and manage blood sugar

A new study examined how consuming spinach extract can reduce hunger and cravings. The thylakoids encourage the release of satiety hormones, which slows down fat digestion. The study examined the effect of a single serving of thylakoids from spinach on satiety, food intake, lipids and glucose. Sixty participants that were classified as overweight or obese either took the spinach extract or a placebo. Researchers completed blood samples to examine their lipid and glucose levels before a normal breakfast. Following breakfast, participants took a dose of the extract, followed by a standard lunch and pizza four hours later. (2)

The results showed that the spinach extract increase satiety over a two-hour period when compared with the placebo. Women reported a reduced urge for sweets following the spinach extract. (2)

Thylakoids found in spinach encourage the release of satiety hormones and reduce cravings

Another study from Lund University in Sweden reports that the thylakoids of spinach boost weight loss by nearly 43 percent, and curbed food cravings by 95 percent! The study examined 38 overweight women and found that the thylakoids reinforced the body’s production of satiety hormones and suppressed hedonic hunger. (3)

The study found that a drink high in thylakoids before breakfast reduces cravings throughout the day. The women who consumed their green juice first thing in the morning were able to stick to three meals a day and did not struggle with cravings throughout the day. The researchers found that the spinach juice slowed the digestion process and gave the intestinal hormone time to be released and signaled to the brain that the body is satisfied. (3)

One glass of green spinach juice boosts weight loss by 43 percent and curbs food cravings by 95 percent!

The moral of the story: eat your spinach. Whether you desire to lose weight or improve your health, a glass of green juice for breakfast is a great way to start out the day!

Sources for this article include:

(1) www.medicalnewstoday.com
(2) www.sciencedaily.com
(3) www.dailymail.co.uk

SF Source The Raw Food World  August 2015

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