Come Now, Come To Softness

Zen-Haven May 30 2013

When you see ugliness, become ever more pretty, when you see racism, love and accept everyone, when people are agitated and violent, be calm and peaceful.

When they are arrogant and nasty, be humble and tender. When they are stingy and cold, be warm and generous. And when you see the fundamentalists run!

The greatest self-defense is tenderness.

If you are tender, nothing ghoulish will come your way and in that tenderness and love for humanity you are saying that while you have a compassion and forgiveness for the world of the psychopaths that are running the joint, you are not condoning their actions and buying into their nightmares and their bad karma.

Deep in your feelings you have to walk away so the tragedy of the world doesn’t become your tragedy.

Arrogance and violence will get the world killed; humility and softness will take you to a celestial place. Yin wins in the end! The goddess and Gaia and the nature-soul of the planet is more powerful than the yang, silly leaders and dusty armies.

Come now, come to softness.

The reason why the global shadow is coming out of hiding is because the ghouls that run the show from within are being wrapped up by the Forces of Light, and as the dark realizes its Power trip is coming to an end it lashes out feeding the political, Fat Controllers with violent thoughts of revenge and retribution.

In the ruins is the fate of the world for it is how the invincible armies of the fundamentalist, racist supremacists seal their karma and perish – melting back to the hell from which they came.

Sad as it is, it has to be, for if not softness would never win.

Come now, come to softness and rest a while in the arms of the celestial. It is safer that way

© Stuart Wilde 2013 (Edit: Soren Dreier)

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