Softness And Beauty In The Eye Of The Storm

Zen-Haven  August 23 2012 (Edit: Soren Dreier)

Now that the Forces of Light have fought their way in here, it will take four years for them to bring the global-ego to its realizations. It has to be shown its lies and platitudes, its pretences; each has to see how they have overtly or covertly supported cruelty, dishonesty, elitism, violence and hatred.

The Grand Lies I first spoke of in Whispering Winds of Change are set to collapse. It will cause quite a storm.

Only softness and gentleness will take you to the eye of that storm, where it is calm and safe. This is because the war against humanity is against the yang liars. Not just bellicose men that rob and kill people but yang-style women that have bought into vindictiveness, elitism, materialism and specialness.

The sad thing is that people who believe themselves to be very special and divinely chosen will discover how right they are. Where the edginess will gradually creep in is, when they discover by whom they have been chosen.

The unseen Empire of the Ghouls is everywhere—there is almost nothing on this planet they don’t control. They are unbelievably clever and covert. You have to imagine an army of unseen spirits that can talk to your mind for an entire lifetime, without you realizing they are there. They do it by telepathic transfer.

They make words in your mind sound like it’s you talking to yourself. In this way they take people to their world while having them believe they are selected and special and divinely protected in this world. They will influence humans to believe anything they want them to believe––tricky.

However, when you go to softness and gentleness you disempower their ability to talk to you. The ghouls can pretend to be soft and gentle and talk to you in a child-like, non-threatening voice, but they can’t sustain it. The symmetry breaks down very fast. Here is an example of a symmetry break, what I call, symbies. In the mirror-world there is a place that is all white, Caucasian women, about thirty-to-fifty years old.

These are women that are alive on earth today, existing simultaneously in a parallel mirror-world, or dimension if you like. All the women have the same inner traits, so they are tightly congregated into one particular area of the mirror-world, where inner feelings dictate where you find yourself location-wise.

When you first see them in there they look very normal. Here on earth you would observe them as well-dressed shoppers, or businesswomen, or upwardly-mobile mothers taking care of their offspring. Some of the women are very attractive and many of them look groomed and elegant. I’ve seen about two hundred of them in the mirror-world over a period of months.

When they first approach you in that mirror-world they look just fine but after about ten seconds or so, their symmetry breaks down. Their faces change. They can’t hold the pretence. They morph and go utterly ghoulish-looking, with mad eyes and ugly teeth, and they change from seemingly benign to being rapacious and threatening.

The first one of these women I saw go through this sudden metamorphosis scared the wits out of me. She was way too close; I jumped back in fright. Suddenly, I could see who she really was behind the mask of her pretence; she was ugly beyond words––a ghoul-queen. Just for the record, I’ve now seen a male place in there that is full of guys that are all predators pretending to be nice.

I mention this because you can feign softness and goodness and the soft eye of tolerance but not for long. If it is not really in your heart over decades, the symmetry of pretence breaks down. But in that breakdown there is an overall, eventual safety for those that can hold the symmetry. Here is why.

The Forces of Light are yin and soft.

The only way that they can recognize their human allies here on earth is to look for the softness and see if a human’s symmetry holds up. So in embracing a soft heart once and for all, you align with the eventual victors. For all that which is hard and ugly and asymmetrical will eventually fall away. (If this symmetry concept is difficult to understand please see the extra note below).

Of course, that softness and gentleness has to be in your heart and you will have to decide. But it’s not hard to go the right way, it is just easy to be led the wrong way. Don’t fight, don’t compete, don’t lie and don’t play at being special. Build your own sacred path, one of kindness and warmth.

Don’t rob people, or sell them shonky, over-priced products, don’t use people, don’t sue them, and don’t covertly sell your sexuality to buy protectors and influence. Don’t control and don’t manipulate and attack people, even if the people you want to attack are utterly rotten. You have to reach a place where you are at peace with humanity.

You can disagree with others and say so if you wish, and you can have political and social views but you can’t make your antagonism into a cause célèbre, a black and white situation, for that would be just your righteous shadow seeping out. Don’t scream, don’t shout, and don’t threaten people with emotions. Don’t buy people. Treat them as real and equal.

Either love people or be neutral. Accept who they are and don’t try to cajole them into what you think they ought to be. They will come when they are ready or not as they wish. If you or they have to leave, be gracious in the parting of ways, wish them every good fortune and genuinely mean it. If they call you every name under the sun, agree with them.

Continue reading @ Zen-Haven

©2013 Stuart Wilde


One thought on “Softness And Beauty In The Eye Of The Storm

  1. Wonderful, sublime, comforting, and sensible. Thanks, Soren, and G. for posting. We all miss Stuart and I’m glad Soren is continuing to post his work, which is never, ever old. And thanks, G., for your response to me yesterday here at SF. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I’m smiling back at ya! Always Love, B.

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