Summer Solstice 2016

summerLaurie Baum – Warm wishes for a happy Summer Solstice!

The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, arrives on Monday, June 20, 2016. When the Sun reaches its zenith on the Summer Solstice (in the northern hemisphere), you will have an opportunity to shine the light of awareness on issues that have been outstanding since the Winter Solstice almost six months ago.

The increasing light of the sun in the days leading up to the Summer Solstice intensifies the power of your prayers, meditations, positive thoughts, and visualizations. The power of the changing angle of the Sun also enables you to make great spiritual, mental, emotional, and material progress at this time. It is a law of physics that light is most powerful when it bends, as it does at every Solstice and Equinox. Use this time to accelerate your evolution and support the growth of the people around you. Pray for positive outcomes for all.

The most important celestial influence you will feel this summer is the reversal of the retrograde motion of Mars, planet of ambition and energy, on June 29, 2016. If you have been feeling sluggish or spacey since Mars went in reverse on April 17, 2016, or if you have been focusing on the past more than usual during the last few months, you will feel reinvigorated and ready to tackle new projects and ideas after the end of June, when Mars resumes its normal forward motion.

Until June 29, 2016, you will have your final opportunity to clear up issues hanging on from the past. It is a good time to take care of old matters by clearing off your desktop (physical or virtual), cleaning out your closets, making amends to rectify existing relationships, and by fulfilling commitments you have previously made. Once you have caught up to the best of your ability, it will be time to plant new seeds, start new projects, and initiate new ideas. You will feel an increasing ability to visualize the future and manifest new ideas throughout the rest of the summer.

A potent line-up of expansive Jupiter, karmic Saturn, and spiritual Neptune also has strongly influenced the year of 2016. Celestial influences will culminate with an alignment of Jupiter, transformative Pluto, and revolutionary Uranus at the end of this year. Expect more people to embrace spirituality as a way to cope with chaotic or unpredictable events. Simultaneously, as some look more deeply within themselves for answers, others will continue to demand answers from the outside world. Therefore, social unrest with regard to governmental action or inaction and political candidates will escalate.

Collective choices in the coming U.S. election will favor the untraditional over the traditional. The ultimate result will be the breaking down of unworkable aspects of the existing system to move toward higher consciousness: brotherly love, unselfishness, mutual respect, acceptance and tolerance. These qualities eventually will lead us toward a more peaceful, harmonious global community. In one sense, the U.S. presidential candidates are serving a unifying purpose, although in a negative way, by uniting groups who were previously in dispute, so they may lament the absurdity of the situation.

Still, both candidates are un-traditional in their own unique ways–Donald Trump, a businessman with no governmental experience vying for one of the most prominent government jobs in the world; and Hillary Clinton, a former first lady, senator, and secretary of state, vying to be the first female president in U.S. history.

While the current political candidates are a focal point of our awareness, they are not good representatives of the direction the world must go. This can only mean that the greater power will now flow to those who do represent the values that can guide us to the higher age into which we are all growing. This could mean the evolution of a just and equitable global government, as national boundaries dissolve due to greater ease of communications, travel, trade, and exchange of ideas, foods, cultures and customs.

Or, humanitarian power could flow to smaller groups doing altruistic work, or even individuals engaging in meaningful, positive and powerful spiritual practice. This could be a Himalayan yogi sitting in prayer in a distant corner of the world or your own fervent prayers in the meditation corner of your home. So, keep praying for the highest good of all to empower those who would do the greatest good.

While those who represent negative virtues may currently seem to hold the upper hand, eventually, they will be disempowered by the force of those who project positive energy and actions into this world. So keep praying and sending positive thoughts and prayers to each other and to the planet. Change is inevitable. And we have the power to make the transition more peaceful and harmonious through our own state of mind, through our positive thoughts, prayers, and affirmations!

Many blessings for love & light in the Summer Solstice season!


SF Source Laurie Baum  June 2016

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