Surging Feminine Power

Feminine PowerDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. I think that what I want to focus on this week is the practice of giving surges of Power to the Feminine and I want to see it sort of like a graph or a wave if you will.

You’re simply going to put a graph moving forward and upward into Feminine Power. So we’re coming here with our Mars direct, we’re in a leap year, we have a lot of interesting patterning going on but lots of war-like masculine anger surfacing as well.

So we want to give these surges, like you’re just kind of supercharging Feminine Power off and on throughout the day. And you might also just feel it almost like a temperature gauge or one of those carnival things and you hit the button and you see it shoots right up. Something like that inside the body as well.

Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

SF Source  July 2016

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