Global Transformation – 12:12 Stargate Activations

plutoMeg Benedicte – You can expect a shift in the collective emotional body today as the Sun moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius for the next 30 days. Being a more optimistic, cheerful sign, fiery Sagittarius rings in the annual holiday season. Sagittarians experience a deep inner quest for freedom from all restrictions. This will inflame the ongoing debate between those who want to maintain exclusive privilege and those who want to live in an inclusive global community.

In today’s chaotic world, so much has changed that we can no longer view the world thru the old lens. We will see more demands to eliminate all polarized governments controlling the world in a call for a more open, transparent system.

Every year during December our solar system moves into alignment with the Great Central Sun located at the Galactic Core, which is located at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius. This is the annual Ascension alignment that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21…it opens a Cosmic Gateway into higher dimensions.

The powerful solar power of the Great Central Sun shines directly onto Gaia, increasing heightened awareness of the shifting consciousness. I bet most of humanity realizes something huge is happening to the planet. It has been building for thousands of years during the dominating Patriarchal history. It has reached the tipping point in 2016.

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