Path Between Worlds – Into the 5th Density


Open – Yesterday I was at a favorite gorge here in Avalon (UK). The weather was spectacular: a still and crisp autumn day; the trees resplendent in greens, golds and oranges; clouds were flowing into the horizon, across blue sky, like an endless river. When I looked at the rocks, I couldn’t see them anymore; I couldn’t see the trees any longer as purely 3D. The air was no longer air, just passing into physical lungs.

As I looked around me, I’d become as one with the consciousness, with the light; and as I looked into the setting sky, it’s like I was flowing into it. I was flowing into the 5D. This, I know as the Path Between Worlds.

Come join the journey… Continue reading

The 5D Shift and the 2 Speed Planet…How to Thrive in 3D/5D

energyOpen – I’ve just returned from a round Britain road trip of approximately 2000 miles, taking in 5 nations in lockdown; 10 days of meditation and essential energy work to catalyse the field; I shot 10 videos to share with you of various high energy sites. The purpose was to explore and demonstrate the strong higher dimensional 5D flow, which is now positively ripping around the planet and will NOT be constrained by any bogus, unscientific, unhealthy and unlawful lockdowns.

The time has come for ascending people to take back their power, embody soul, and express it like never before. This is an act of rebellion. An act of freedom. An act of love.

Sword and the Stone

It began in Avebury, UK, the “crop-circle grand central” of the planet, where the veils are thin, and ancient energy portals connect you readily into the dimensions. I’d slept close to 4 bridging stones of the planet, which, in the middle of the night, seized my soul and journied me back through the ages all the way to Atlantis, where they had traveled from. Continue reading

The Last Dance

dance Maureen Moss – During this time I was made aware that the prophesied last dance (what many have called Armageddon), between the Darkness of 3rd dimensional consciousness and the Light of 5th dimensional consciousness is taking place within our beings now… and in turn…reflecting (and playing itself out) in the great external mirror.

Few amongst us are unaffected by this intense  dance whirling and spinning us in all directions, at one time, in an attempt to capture our attention and alliance. One is the dance of enslavement and conflict… the other of freedom and Divine Love. One we have lived with for eons of time…one we have longed for even longer.

For each of us the last dance is personal not collective. Though the collective is obviously feeling the pressure and experiencing a shift in ‘reality’ at a grand level…were we to toss this dance off as something everybody is going through… we would miss what is ours to personally resolve, what is ours to personally remember and what is ours to add to the Light, the Love and the Consciousness of a new humanity.

We are at a crucial tipping point in our personal evolution… that is why the heat of the dance is on us. We are literally in the stargate of all potential to physically enter a new reality system.

We didn’t incarnate to live 3D lives. We didn’t incarnate to battle dual natures created in great part by a mind that attempts to control our thoughts until it owns them…and then turns them back on us to control our behavior.

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Ramp Up To 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal

Meg Benedict – The energy is ramping up this week as we head into the 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate portal on Saturday, August 8th. Many of you may be sensing/feeling the shift in frequencies as the energy increases in a powerful surge streaming from the Star Sirius and the Great Central matrixSun. You may be feeling this in recurring body tension, emotional fibulations, mental anguish, or just plain fatigue and needing more rest. Our physical self is stretching under the unresolved tension as we strip away anything lingering from the patriarchal system.

Humanity is being hard-pressed to let go of all attachments to the material world that hold us entangled in the 3D Time Matrix. This would include anything that locks your mind into time or separation. An example of this would be only seeing/experiencing the timeline you are invested in. I see this evident when people rigidly believe only their own point of view – a key sign of being locked in their own Time Matrix.

In truth, we live in a holographic universe existing with infinite timelines/realities. As we accelerate into higher frequencies, our mind is able to expand and rise up to the birds-eye view as ‘witness’ to the multi-dimensional universe. Opening before us is an array of infinite possibilities, like a multitude of tracks at the train station. Neither one is ‘right or wrong’, real or not real. It is our job to select the timeline track that best matches our Soul’s truth and destiny.

I often encounter passionate folks who truly believe the lunar landing and space program is a hoax, a secret ‘false flag’ event filmed in a private sound stage. They have locked onto the timeline that presents the moon as a false planet, a space ship hiding civilizations. My experience is quite different. I was raised in the space industry, where my father was a physicist working on the Apollo mission to the moon in the 60’s. As children we were allowed to step into the Apollo spacecraft and the Space Shuttle and pretend to be astronauts. Continue reading