The Last Dance

dance Maureen Moss – During this time I was made aware that the prophesied last dance (what many have called Armageddon), between the Darkness of 3rd dimensional consciousness and the Light of 5th dimensional consciousness is taking place within our beings now… and in turn…reflecting (and playing itself out) in the great external mirror.

Few amongst us are unaffected by this intense  dance whirling and spinning us in all directions, at one time, in an attempt to capture our attention and alliance. One is the dance of enslavement and conflict… the other of freedom and Divine Love. One we have lived with for eons of time…one we have longed for even longer.

For each of us the last dance is personal not collective. Though the collective is obviously feeling the pressure and experiencing a shift in ‘reality’ at a grand level…were we to toss this dance off as something everybody is going through… we would miss what is ours to personally resolve, what is ours to personally remember and what is ours to add to the Light, the Love and the Consciousness of a new humanity.

We are at a crucial tipping point in our personal evolution… that is why the heat of the dance is on us. We are literally in the stargate of all potential to physically enter a new reality system.

We didn’t incarnate to live 3D lives. We didn’t incarnate to battle dual natures created in great part by a mind that attempts to control our thoughts until it owns them…and then turns them back on us to control our behavior.

Once we are no longer at odds or out of step with ourselves or each other, we are then in alignment to activate and solidify the undivided infrastructure of 5th dimensional consciousness within ourselves…and live the life we took on skin and bones to live.

Important to note is that the 5th dimension is not a place. It is a frequency created through each one of us through the activities of love, compassion and non-duality of any sort… thoughts, words, self-conversation or emotion… and by establishing Divine right order within.

We are not here to change ourselves…we are here to be ourselves.

For those that were here in the beginning of this now ending life cycle (undoubtedly the vast majority reading this), and back now to be here in the end… we knew… prior to taking on form, we would be indispensable to the activity and outcome of this last dance.

Somewhere in memory, we knew our hearts were always to be the gateway (and transformational portal) through which the Darkness of our many 3rd dimensional lifetimes would pass and be transformed.  As a result, our true identity would be revealed by us and through us… in us and as us. We knew…somewhere in memory…we already had it in us.

In Closing

Dance this dance with all of your heart beloveds…one moment at a time… one movement at a time… one experience at a time… one breath at a time… and one heartfelt thought at a time.

You are in the grand finale of the most epic activity of the Divine Plan… thus far.

Know you are not alone, and you are being held and loved beyond measure by the greatest Love of All.

“I know now why the caged bird sings.” Maya Angelou

Maureen Moss, © 2016

SF Source Maureen Moss  Apr 2016

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