Difference between 5D Flow State and 4D Harvested Bubble

Difference between 5D Flow State and 4D Harvested BubbleOpen – A concerning deception is underway to fool souls in the Shift, diverting their natural path of 5D Ascension into a harvested 4D Bubble. Work such as the “Law of One”, actively encourages the “Harvest of Souls into 4D”, as being Ascension – a gross deception. However, the trap is even more widespread – suggesting that reincarnation is not necessary, for example. Whereas it is the means to progressively forge soul, into full enlightenment. It’s essential to be clear of your accurate trajectory in the Shift. Continue reading

5D Ascension – Being a Bridge Between Worlds

energyOpen – Plenty are waking up and realizing just how defunct society has become. The heart quickly yearns for a higher truth, a higher harmony. You realize it is already there in 5D. But how can you live it with others still in the collective coma? Here’s where a shift in perception is necessary: you’re becoming a bridge, with one foot on both banks. By integrating the diplomatic quality of the soul, the “Ray 4”, you can find a way to harmonize with both realities…

The fuel of Inner Alchemy

It is no secret that we live in a world that is horrendously out of balance with nature and therefore out of alignment with the natural harmony of the universe. In a universe of cause and effect, such misalignment will always draw a realigning force. Major change is already underway, but don’t be surprised as the mud at the bottom of the stream gets churned up first. Continue reading

5D Ascension: Return of the Shiva

ShivaOpen – We’re shifting through all manner of gears right now in the 5D Ascension of Planet Earth. Many layers need to be stripped off within the old reality construct, many attunements and alignments need to happen. What’s necessary right now is an acceleration of the process, so as to unwind the intervention of the shadow side.

Benevolence has responded in the most quietly phenomenal of ways – the return of the cosmic catalyst the Shiva. A portal has been opened so that this remarkable energy might descend from higher dimensions and enter the fray.

Be prepared for everything to change.

Shiva – the Cosmic Catalyst

The Shiva is a higher dimensional consciousness that is extremely aligned, evolved and coherent. It has a rock steady strength that is able to sit within the vortex of the Universal Torus in any given situation or reality context. The Shiva steadily amplifies the Toroidal Flow.

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