Stuck In The Light

intuitionJennifer Hoffman – I hear the words “I feel stuck” from so many clients now as they are finished with one aspect of their healing cycle and want to move into something more fulfilling and joyful. But they cannot seem to take that next step and wonder why. There is a reason for that which involves how we receive light and energy, our ascension mission, and our ability to walk in both worlds, which is why I always stress that this is an integration and not a takeover. If earlier aspects of our ascension path felt like big leaps, in this part we are inching along so we can be 5D energy receivers and share that with the earth and with humanity.

Our focus on our physical body and emotions is partly due to the belief that this is all we are, a physical body that experiences the world through our emotions. But there is more to us than that, just as there is more to our DNA than the 2 strand double helix surrounded by ‘junk DNA’ that science tells us. We are divine beings living in a material world and we are also energy containers and energy receivers. And that is the part of us that is highly active now, which means that forward motion is slowed down so we can receive as much energy as possible and hold that energetic space for everyone.

We’d like to take a  huge leap to the end of the 4D bridge and embrace our 5D being, celebrate that we have accomplished the impossible and move on. But while that would be nice it isn’t part of the process. Each step that we take towards full 5D integration in our own lives requires that we receive that amount of 5D energy to make it possible. Whatever aspects of our 3D being that we transition into 5D integration requires that we are in both dimensions.

For some that is easy, for others it is nearly impossible. So as we’re the energy containers and the light beacons, we are also the ones who can be an example to everyone as to how that integration process works. To do that effectively we cannot be so far away from them energetically that they cannot see us, we need to have a foot in both worlds, to be multi-dimensional ourselves. So we get stuck somewhere along the 4D bridge and inch along so we can show others how it’s done.

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April 2017 Energy Report

energyJennifer Hoffman – If you’re reading this you got through the month of March and through our first  power period of 2017 that lasted 3 whole months. It has been quite the wild ride and rather unpleasant at times. But to be honest we did not start 2017 with new energy, as the year began with the same retrograde energy as January 2016 and we have been completing old cycles since this year started. The new cycle beginning in April takes us farther down the ascension journey even if it involves having both Venus and Mercury retrograde which is an asset now, and not a liability as April’s keyword is eliminate and that’s a very beneficial thing for us to do that retrogrades are very supportive of.

In April life can take on a new dimension as we are much farther in the 3D/5D integration than we have ever been before. This is new, uncharted territory and I mean that in every sense of the word. It’s new because we have never achieved this level of integration, community, and awareness before, even in Atlantis. It’s uncharted because there’s no karma to guide us on a pre-destined and predetermined path, which is what we are used to. These new paradigms are creation-based, not karma based. So the pre-populated life we have been born into no longer exists once we cross that 4D bridge and that may take some getting used to.

We leave our karma on the 4D bridge as we integrate more of the 5D energy into our energy fields. Without karma we have no destiny to deal with and without destiny we are in full creation mode. The only thing that blocks our creation is the presence of our echoes, the energetic cords and connections from the past that stay with us, even after we have finished our release work and think we are all done with them.

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Ronna Star – AA Michael December 2015 Message

Accessing Your Higher Power Potential

soulAA Michael – Beloved Masters, the Ascension goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining Soul Fragments of the individual Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions. This will initiate a reunion with your Spiritual Triad, a Sacred Facet of your Divine Self, which is awaiting your return within the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. This is humanity’s major goal for this round of evolution.

Remember, All Creation—the Omniverse at all levels—is Cosmic Energy, which was sent forth from the Heart-Core of the Supreme Creator. This Energy is composed of vibrational frequencies of infinite variations, which interpenetrate with each other, and yet are separated from each other by the variance in Light frequency patterns. The light/energy of the Creator contains all the components of Creation, and these innumerable Seeded Patterns of Light make up the complexity of the many levels of material manifestation. The terms used to describe the multiple levels of Creation, such as “Dimensions and Sub-Dimensions,” are used to bring clarity and understanding of the very complex nature of the reality in which all Creation exists.

​We have defined the stages or levels of the Ascension process that humanity is currently experiencing as “Stages Of Evolution.” After you return to balance and harmonize your mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies within the vibratory fields of the Third Dimension, you are ready to focus on the Fourth Dimension and the Emotional-Astral Planes.

Most of the advanced Souls who have incarnated within the last fifty or so years came in with their third-dimensional Soul Fragments already harmonized and integrated, and many came in with a good portion of their Fourth-Dimensional Fragments integrated as well. These precious Souls are the ones who agreed to sink into the density of the third-/fourth-dimensional illusional density so they could become the vanguard /wayshowers who would lead the way onto the upward spiraling path into the entry realms of the Fifth Kingdom. As these brave Light Bearers are lifted up, so are the Earth and all humanity. Continue reading