On Meeting Intensity With Gentleness

eclipse Sarah Varcas –   The lunar eclipse occurs in the 4th degree of Libra at 11:48 a.m. UT and augurs a time of high emotion and short tempers if we fail to remember that the urgency we currently feel is not to be trusted! With Saturn stationing retrograde in a few days’ time, we may already be feeling the burden of trying to remain positive when much around us seems to be spiralling into negativity. Previously buoyant attitudes may be waning, fears bubbling up and anxieties taking centre stage. If so, it’s time to cut ourselves and each other some slack; to accept that waves of energy come and go.

Activity is followed by exhaustion, progress by inertia, excitement by quiet repose. If we try to push too hard against prevailing conditions now, desperate to maintain ‘progress’ no matter what, we may end up burning out and creating more stress rather than less. We cannot, at this point, extricate ourselves into ‘better times’ simply by sheer force of will. It is time to rest, stop and reflect. To allow to arise thoughts and feelings we may have been avoiding, for in doing so our inner world can begin a return to balance, rather than forcing it to run on empty because we’ve failed to refuel when necessary.

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Exercise Can Cut Alzheimer’s By 50 Percent

activity Regular physical activity, including gardening or dancing, may cut Alzheimer’s risk by as much as 50 percent, a new study suggests.

Researchers who analyzed lifestyle habits and brain scans of nearly 900 older adults found that any activity that gets you moving on a regular basis seems to help the brain increase gray matter. This, in turn, may keep dementia at bay, they suggested.

“Any type of physical activity that burns calories — from jogging to gardening to walking to dancing — is associated with more gray matter in the brain,” said lead researcher Dr. Cyrus Raji. He is a postdoctoral researcher in radiology at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“The most important thing is that it’s regular,” Raji said.

More gray matter means a healthier brain and correlates with a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease, Raji said.

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Doing and Being – Lazy & Leisure?

Jennifer Hoffman – I had one of my most non-productive days ever this past week, a day that began with a very late start, whose highlight was two naps and some unplanned phone conversations. At the end of the day, when I looked at my to-do list and noticed that very little energywas marked as ‘done’, I had a moment of regret, followed by a realization of something else, that ‘being’ was all I needed to be doing and I could catch up on my work later. Whatever I was doing, while I thought I wasn’t doing anything, what exactly the right thing to do in that moment. I wasn’t being lazy or leisurely, I was participating in work that didn’t require my physical body to be busy with doing anything.

The most remarkable event that day was a phone conversation with someone I didn’t know was interested in spiritual subjects and issues. In fact, we had never talked about those things although she has an idea of who I am and what I do. But I didn’t have to say a word because she asked all of the questions and even shared a few intuitive and spiritual experiences with me, including how she manifested a dinner with the Osmond brothers. I could have cut the conversation short because I did have things to do but I knew that there was nothing more important than processing energy with this caller and being available for her to share her stories with me.   Continue reading