Scientists stunned as study reveals strong link between fluoridated water and ADHD

fluorideVicki Batts – There are many reasons to oppose fluoridated water. Not only is it a form of government-dictated mass medication, research has consistently shown that fluoride consumption has a host of ill effects on human health. Recent research has once again confirmed that fluoride is a neurotoxin — with developing fetuses and young children being the most susceptible to its deleterious effects.

Scientists from the University of Toronto recently confirmed that exposure to high levels of fluoride in the womb increases ADHD-like symptoms in school-aged children. Dr. Morteza Bashash, the study’s lead author and researcher at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, commented on the findings and stated, “Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure.”

Fluoride and ADHD

Dr. Bahash and his team studied 213 pregnant women and their children to see how fluoride affected the children as they reached school-age. All were part of the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants (ELEMENT) project, which saw recruitment between the years of 1994 and 2005 and featured continued follow-up. Continue reading

The Fiction of ADHD and the “Chemical Imbalance” Theory of Mental Illness

Cortland Pffefer (with Irwin Ozborne) –  The belief that increasing dopamine levels will alleviate ADHD symptoms is why kids are treated with stimulants. There’s just one problem with the theory: it isn’t true.

On a trip to the zoo, there appeared to be a small gathering outside the wolverine display. As we approached we noticed this poor creature in a dead-sprint back-and-forth along and eight foot ledge. While the children found amusement in the wolverine’s bizarre behavior, most of the adults were able to show compassion for the “sick animal.”

“Oh he is still doing that,” said one of the adults behind me.

“Still!?” I asked, “How long has he been doing this?”

“Well, he was doing it last week, too.”

For over a week, this animal was sprinting back-and-forth on an eight foot ledge. Wolverines in the wild travel up to fifteen miles per day, and this one is in captivity in a space the size of an average living room.

The question is: is the Wolverine suffering a disease? Or is it a product of an unnatural environment?

There is actually nothing unnatural about the wolverine’s behavior based on its circumstance. A few more displays down the walkway and there is the black bear similarly pacing on a rock for the past month. The black bear also resides in an enclosure which is approximately 0.0018 percent of the natural habitat. Each and every day, they live in these crowded and unnatural quarters to have visitors pound on the glass, stare, point, laugh, make faces, and mocking this animal’s miserable existence as a prisoner. Continue reading

Health Hell – An Illuminati Creation

SDP  December 8 – 14 2013

Setting aside the Obamacare wasteland with its 20,000% markup for a website that barely works let’s examine what’s created true chaos in the lives of distraught parents and misdiagnosed children – that medical triumph titled the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM II).

“After turning 87 years old, American psychiatrist Dr. Leon Eisenberg announced to the German weekly Der Spiegel on 2 February 2012 that … ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease . . .”

Fictitious disease? Are there not enough real ones to consider? It seems not. According to Paul Fassa “Dr. Eisenberg was one of the leaders of a 1968 committee that had created an early Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM II). There and then this small committee of psychiatrists, as is the norm, first came up with a behavioral description and labeled it Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). . . .

“Since that DSM conference in 1968, Dr. Eisenberg’s contribution to mental disease by invention and committee consensus has resulted in drugging millions of children from preschool age through high school. It’s currently estimated that at least 20% (one in five) of children from nursery school and kindergarten through high school and in foster homes have been prescribed Ritalin alone.”

For many of these children the devastation of ingesting Ritalin to cure the made-up ADHD is further exacerbated by drinking bottled water.

”… [R]esearchers tested 18 different bottled water products in an effort to look for endocrine disrupting chemicals, or EDCs. They found far more than expected, identifying 24,520 different chemicals in their testing. After isolating the chemicals and determining their impact on the body, the researchers narrowed down those with anti-estrogenic properties to one: DEHF or di(2-ethylhexyl) fumarate. This finding was of major concern.”

In fact out of “the 18 different bottled water products, 13 had “significant” anti-estrogenic activity, and 16 out of 18 inhibited the body’s androgen receptors by 90%. In other words, the bottled water was largely wrecking havoc on the human body.”

Meditation Heals

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