Black Leaders Support Trump’s Prison Reform Push

trumpLiberty Planet – Pundits are calling Pres. Donald J. Trump’s domestic policies the “Colorblind Economy” because it has improved employment opportunities for Americans of all walks of life, particularly African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. But outside of the incredible economic engine he has harnessed, Pres. Trump is far from colorblind. Recognizing the African-Americans have disproportionately suffered, the president is calling for passage of prison reform legislation after the mid-term elections.

In a recent high-profile meeting with rapper Kanye West and NFL hall-of-famer Jim Brown, the president discussed prison reform in an outside-the-box forum that called for creating business and job opportunities in historically black communities.

“Trump is on his hero’s journey right now,” Kanye West reportedly said wearing a MAGA Hat. “He might not have thought he’d have a crazy mother-#@#@r like Kanye West run up and support, but best believe — we are going to make America great.” Continue reading