Mass Migration is a Globalist Weapon [Video]

newmanGreg Hunter – Journalist Alex Newman says the mass migration you are seeing in Europe and on the U.S. Southern border is nothing more than weapon of the globalists who want one-world government in their sick New World Order.

Newman contends, “It’s all Western civilization that is under attack. The ‘Yellow Vest’ protests in France are much more than about global warming (tax) policies. The French are tired of paying ridiculous taxes to fund third world dictatorships in the United Nations to tackle a boogie man. . . . The protesters have said . . . there are valid concerns concerning the mass migration.

The French people are tired of this mass migration. People all over the world are tired of it. They did surveys here in Europe and Europeans are overwhelmingly opposed to this. . . . In many cases, the strong majority wanted an end to the Islamic mass migration and the governments just do not respond to the will of the people.” Continue reading

Panic in the Deep State

newmanGreg Hunter – Journalist Alex Newman has written extensively about the New World Order, the push for one world government by globalists and the so called “Deep State” that has it’s invisible hand in just about everything. Newman contends things have not been going well for the people who want to rule the world since Trump won in 2016.

Newman contends, “I get the impression they are very worried, and there is a lot of evidence that they are getting concerned they are losing their grip on power.  I think we are starting to see some panic now.  It very much reminds me of the rats fleeing the sinking ship expression. Continue reading

New World Order Targets American Freedom

New World Order Targets American Freedom [Video]Greg Hunter – Award winning journalist Alex Newman has extensively covered the push towards a so-called New World Order by the global “Deep State.” New revelations about millions of Facebook user profiles show the battle lines start in cyberspace.  Newman says, “It’s really hard to tell where the social media firms begin and where the “Deep State” ends. . . .

In all these globalist confabs . . . what you see are the leading executives of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linked In, Amazon and Microsoft.  These are the same people involved in the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the World Government Summit.

They all come and give their little speeches, and what you see, and it’s becoming clearer in the last few weeks, they are undergoing a systematic campaign to censor, to silence and to sideline conservatives, Christians, Libertarians and people who say anything that contradicts the agenda.

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