Alignment Abundance Authenticity

abundanceJennifer Hoffman – Alignment  Abundance  Authenticity are key areas of spiritual awareness and understanding and we need to get these right be able to use them in the right way, which means that they work in our lives to our benefit instead of to our detriment.

How can these spiritual principles operate to our detriment?

Let me explain:

When we do not know how they work all of the time instead of working in ‘good’ ways. Universal energy is non-judgmental, there is no good or bad. It is all neutral or equal, there is no better or worse, more or less.

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Judging, Judgment and Energy Flows

energyJennifer Hoffman – The amount of darkness, density, corruption, and criminality that is being exposed in the halls of government, film, music, in the US and internationally, is simply astounding.  While it has been going on for a long time, the entire house of cards has come crashing down. Look at how quickly Hollywood went from being celebrated on its ivory tower and is now being trashed around the world, and the ivory tower is smashed to pieces. One revelation was enough to end the cult of celebrity, as I wrote in the November  Energy Report.

How much truth and revelation can we handle? Is it easier to rip off the bandage slowly or quickly? There’s still pain either way, but it doesn’t last as long  when the bandaid is removed quickly. Then we have to deal with the pain and figure out what to do next – do we add another bandage or let the wound heal without it? That takes courage and the knowing that we will heal, the belief that we can, and the motivation to keep the energy flowing towards that outcome. Continue reading

October 2017 Energy Report

aligmentJennifer Hoffman – If you want to understand October’s energy movements I can explain them with 3 letters – A B C – which stands for alignment, balance, and congruence. We are not doing this alone as we’re getting supercharged assistance on every level to create this in our lives and in the world. It’s going to be a delicate dance to stay grounded while all of this is happening because the temptation to ‘toss it all away’ will be strong while the need to set strong intentions, maintain our energy boundaries, and keep that congruence and harmony moving smoothly will keep us very busy this month.

October, like September, has a strong numerology signature with many 1-1-1 days, starting with October 1. We’ll also have this energy signature on the 10th, the 11th, 19th, and 29th. 1 is the number of beginnings but it’s also the number of pure potential. Everything begins with the first thought, the first step, and the first intention. The number 1 has the same form as the letter “I” . I am is a theme for October but not the ‘only me first’ variety, this is energetic sovereignty, the assertion of ourselves as energetically whole, powerful, and self determining. Continue reading

The AHA Moment – Help and Divine Assistance

alignmentJennifer Hoffman – You can probably remember every time you have looked up to the sky in a moment of panic and helplessness and asked for help. And then waited for something to happen. Sometimes it did and sometimes it did not. It’s in those ‘God help me’ moments that we desperately want the sky to open up, angels to come to our rescue, and having a magic wand would definitely be a big plus. But while we get a reminder that we are sovereign in our reality and need to act in more powerful ways, sometimes we get an ‘AHA’ moment and see the pathway out of the chaos. And it’s in that moment when we realize what ‘AHA’ really means.

There is a difference between asking for help and receiving divine assistance, which is profound and impacts what manifests in that next moment. When we ask for ‘help’ we affirm our powerlessness. When we ask for ‘divine assistance’ we’re affirming our place as co-creator with the Universe. And when we get that AHA moment we get the third piece of the puzzle, alignment. Continue reading