Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, December 15, 2015

“Ice Path” – photo by Tiffany

Crescent Moon in Aquarius: persevere

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara, Goddess Who Guides Through Troubles and Dhumavati, Goddess Who Winnows

God of Will/Desire: Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: align with and emanate harmony

True Alignments: inspiration that spreads, adjusting as needed, rewards, things rearranged in a new way, creating what one envisions, spiritual connection, attunement, music opening the mind and clearing feelings, generosity, unobscured

Catalysts for Change: rushing ahead before checking, cracks or cracking, lost in fantasy, denying happiness, things that seem meaningless (how can you change or improve it?), assuming a moral high ground or authority, dogmatic, trust issues, stopping progress, abiding something one’s heart says not to

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “in winter, people cutting ice from a frozen pond for use in summer”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

As mentioned yesterday, this week is “Galactic Center Week” or alignment with a higher power since the Sun will come to the same degree in the sky as the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

Today, under the energetics of Galactic Center Week, Mercury discharges the degree of “an angel carrying a harp.” Attuning to the frequencies or harmonics of Oneness, love, freedom, and peace creates warmth.

Warmth can cut away or melt ice. Anything that is “frozen” or “frozen in time” or “iced over” or “shielded” as protection, can be warmed by reconnecting with Spiritual Source. Continue reading

Oracle Report – Tuesday, May 26, 2015

First Quarter Moon in Virgo: step out, take action

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

black moon
Baby Cardinals – Photo by Holly

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: come together

Catalysts for Change: difficulty expressing true feelings, fear of moving forward, creating barriers, melodrama, over-doing, more energy expended than is returning, refusing to cooperate with others, over-competitive, showing off

True Alignments: pioneering, expressing true feelings, people coming together in a mission or project or the coming together of a mission or project, pursuit and perseverance, fun, disempowerment of negativity and stopping negativity from getting through, going deep, cooperation, teamwork

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, voices unite, teams form, and games begin.

A series of astrological events progresses today to continue the alignment of people, places, and things. Energy is moving into different areas, empowering them, straightening them out, and bringing them into a better course. Continue reading

New Moon In Taurus – Creating Self Reliance

Simon Vorster – With every New Moon and Full Moon alignment that takes place, there is always an important message that reflects to us where we are in our current evolution and exactly how we are evolving and changing at an energetic level.

When I look at the New Moon cycle and the configurations of the planets and the aspects and angels they are making to each other, I am becoming increasingly aware of the magnitude of the events taking place right now. As these planetary alignments are intensifying and huge shifts are taking place in our perception and our vibration, I am compelled to share with you how I am seeing these changes reflected in the skies — although in truth, there are not enough words available to describe what is taking place at this unparalleled point in our evolution…

We are subtly but constantly having internal spiritual earthquakes, bringing us more into alignment with our authentic selves and prompting us to help consciously evolve the planet. Are you feeling it?

Happy birthday Gemini! May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warmly upon your face.

Planetary Alignments Reflecting our Evolution

Jupiter in Leo and Mercury in Gemini Inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn

This alignment between Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter in astrology is called a Yod. This is when three planets are involved; you have two planets (in this case, Jupiter and Mercury) on one side, 60 degree’s apart, making connections to a third planet directly opposite the other two, in this case Pluto, which forms the apex of the yod.


The third planet, without getting into too much detail, is in a blind-spot alignment to the other two planets, which essentially causes a unique interaction between the planets. Creating a crisis which then leads to internal reflection and then to a confrontation of limitations inducing evolution, the Yod is about evolving past the limitation through crisis.

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You Have The Ability To Materialise Your Dreams

SubAtom  September 9 2013

Believe in yourself, for you have the ability to materialise your dreams! Throughout the coming months you will begin to expand your horizons and explore new possibilities for your life. You will realise that all you need, in order to manifest your dreams is self-confidence. Do not let anything stand in your way, success is guaranteed provided you remain focused and confident.

A tiny blossom of joy is shouting at you for acceptance! The trinity of existence is now aligning with you, bringing awareness that these 3 aspects are coming together with a shared sense of purpose. The trinity may refer to many different levels of being such as mind, body and spirit; past, present and future; or the powers of vision, planning and manifestation. This merging offers the promise of fulfilment as you unlock any resistance to expressing your inner most desires.
Image description

Alignment symbolises a period of powerful evolution within your intimate relationships; it is time to resolve any issues that surround a reluctance to receive through the intimate gift of acceptance. This may involve exploring your relationship with yourself, others, the planet, or with all of them at once. The promise of rapid growth, and subsequent expansion, is assured. In order to fully appreciate the gifts of this period of evolution you are cautioned not to remain rigid – physically, mentally or spiritually. Allow yourself to throw caution to the wind and become flexible and responsive to the situations that arise. In this way you will be allowing the strength of your inner love and compassion to guide you. Practice the discernment you are famous for.

Desire is a strong part of this equation. What is it that you truly desire to experience within the relationships of your life? What makes you shout for joy? What aspect of your life would instantly expand if you voiced your acceptance of the presence of bliss? Are you travelling forward guided by overwhelming sensations of happiness, or are you tempted to put up the barriers and wait until the call to awaken has past?

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