Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Depression & Bipolar Disorder All Linked to Metal Toxicants

WakeUpWorld  January 19 2014

MetalToxicantsMetal toxicants entering the part of the brain that deals with stress and panic have been linked to disorders dealing with the central nervous system. Increasing evidence indicates that damage to the locus ceruleus (LC), is present in a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases including demyelinating and psychiatric disorders.

There are a growing number of Clinicians and Scientists who are convinced that excitotoxins and heavy metals play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders, including migraines, seizures, infections, abnormal neural development, certain endocrine disorders, specific types of obesity, and especially the neurodegenerative diseases; a group of diseases which includes ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration.

The locus ceruleus (LC) is a nucleus in the pons (part of the brainstem) involved with physiological responses to stress and panic. It is the principal site for brain synthesis of the hormone and neurotransmitter norepinephrine (noradrenaline). It has been known for many years that toxicants (ie., poisons that are put into the environment or human body by human activity) that block the uptake of noradrenaline can damage the LC of experimental animals. The recent finding that a metal toxicant, inorganic mercury, selectively enters the cytoplasm of human LC neuron has prompted researchers to investigate how these toxicants cause many of these CNS disorders.

The Locus Ceruleus is Upregulated by Stress

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11 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu

BeyondBlindfold  September 13 2013

The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself.

Every year the pharmaceutical industry, medical experts and the mainstream media work hard to convince us to get vaccinated against the flu. But we’re not being told the whole story. What we don’t hear, are cases about the adverse reactions or about the toxic chemicals being injected into us.

11 reasons why flu shots are more dangerous than the flu itself

1. The flu shot actually makes you sick to begin with Have you ever noticed how vaccinated children get sick almost immediately following a vaccination? This is because the flu virus is introduced into their bodies. So rather than immunize, the flu shot actually only sensitizes the body against the virus. And the fact that it causes individuals to get ill following a shot indicates immuno-suppression (i.e. lowering of the immunity).

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Three Little-Known Natural Remedies For Alzheimer’s

NaturalNews  October 5 2013

Alzheimer's diseaseMedical science still has not figured out the puzzle of Alzheimer’s disease, but there are some natural remedies that medical researchers say could offer substantial relief.

Colostrum: There are those who argue that the mythical and elusive fountain of youth may actually exist, and that it can be found in something produced by every nursing mammal: colostrum.

Also known as “first milk,” colostrum is a form of milk that is produced by the mammary glands of mammals (humans included, of courses), later in pregnancy. Most species will generate colostrum just prior to giving birth. Colostrum contains antibodies that protect newborns against disease, and it also contains a higher concentration of protein than regular milk, and it is lower in fat as well.

These protective benefits of colostrum have a long, rich history. Andrew Keech, PhD., a New Zealand scientist and engineer and author of Colostrum: A Physician’s Reference Guide, said ancient Egyptian art depicted Pharaohs drinking it to become immortal. Also, most farmers know that a new calf won’t live long if it doesn’t drink at least once from its mother’s first milk.

In recent decades, there has been a renewed interest in colostrum and the benefits it provides. Scientists have discovered that the proteins contained in this first milk could hold vast treatment capabilities for such chronic maladies as Alzheimer’s and rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, several of the proteins found in colostrum are growth and immune factors, and essentially “educate the developing gastrointestinal tract of newborns,” an “essential process,” according to

How does it work?

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What You Don’t Know About Coffee May Pleasantly Surprise You

coffeePaul Fassa – Once upon a time, quitting coffee was a prerequisite for establishing a healthy diet and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Lately, though, several recent research studies into coffee drinking have discovered that coffee health benefits are actually some you won’t want to miss. Everything in moderation.

At first, I suspected the pro-coffee studies were simply from funded front groups within various sectors of the coffee industry. But eventually I started seeing some names I trust carrying the same news.

However, the negative health effects of excess coffee consumption, which varies from individual to individual, remain. Thus posing the dilemma of balancing both positive and negative health effects if we prefer drinking coffee to abstaining completely.

Coffee’s Protective Aspects

It’s not just the caffeine, but a synergistic combination of caffeine and an unnamed natural compound that stimulates higher blood levels of GCSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor), which protects the brain from dementia and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

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