Media Confirmed Ancient Aboriginal-Egyptian Contact In 1914

Wake Up World  April 7 2014

EgyptianFlagWe had already established Frederic Slater’s impressive credentials and inclination to accept Australia’s ancient Egyptian connection, a concept which in the 1930′s had a receptive audience and eminent supporters. Yet we were still experiencing some difficulty digesting the level of mainstream acceptance of this connection, in both public and academic circles, that was evident in the 1930s.

[For full details, please read Com-piracy: How Government Suppressed Evidence of Ancient Egyptians in Australia]

The scope of mainstream consensus and the calibre of experts involved was unexpectedly commendable. However one question that we felt needed to be addressed relates to whether this talk of ancient Egyptians in Australia began in the 1930’s, or was Slater picking up the baton previously held by even more adventurous academics?

What we were unaware of when researching that earlier article was that the concepts reported by Australia’s mainstream press in the 1930′s were actually old news. Such talk of ancient Egyptian contact had been a topic often discussed in Australian media decades before Slater or Elkin (Professor of Anthropology at Sydney University) publicly approached the subject.

Mainstream Media Circa 1914

A lengthy article published in the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper on July 20, 1914 was introduced by a sequence of four headings: “Mystery of ManStories in SkullsEgypt and AustraliaProfessorElliot Smith Amazed”.

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Lost City Of Heracleion Gives Up Its Secrets

Egyptian Gods

For centuries it was thought to be a legend, a city of extraordinary wealth mentioned in Homer, visited by Helen of Troy and Paris, her lover, but apparently buried under the sea.

In fact, Heracleion was true, and a decade after divers began uncovering its treasures, archaeologists have produced a picture of what life was like in the city in the era of the pharaohs.

The city, also called Thonis, disappeared beneath the Mediterranean around 1,200 years ago and was found during a survey of the Egyptian shore at the beginning of the last decade.

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Ancient Civilisations: Six Great Enigmas

Waking Times April 10 2013

We stand today at an unprecedented turning point in human history. In recent years two versions of ancient history have formed. One, we shall call ‘alternative’ history, the other we shall refer to as ‘official’ history. The former ponders over a variety of anomalies and tries to make sense out of the corpus of evidence, i.e., the pyramids and timelines, why they were built, by whom and when. The latter conducts digs, catalogues pottery shards, and tries to defend its proposal there are no enigmas, and virtually everything is explained.

At one point perhaps as late as fifteen years ago these two camps seem to be engaged in an informal dialogue. That all changed after, 1) the Great Sphinx redating controversy caught Egyptologists off guard and, 2) the impact of Chris Dunn’s book The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt at the end of the last decade.

There is no more dialogue and no more polite, gloves on debate. The proponents of ‘official’ history have taken an increasingly political and ideological approach to the issue. They now do little more than offer pronouncements of the historical ‘truth’ on the one hand, and denounce of all those who dare challenge officialdom on the other. In this context we offer evidence that our ‘scholars’, the gatekeepers who control our institutions of ‘higher learning’, refuse to consider.

The Great Pyramid – Precision Engineering

This colossal structure, the last of the seven ancient wonders and the largest stone building in the world, still provokes awe, controversy and a plethora of theories that inspire bitter debate to this day. Instead of going over the well-established mysteries, we would like to shine new light on this important enigma that appears out of place in ‘Stone Age’ Egypt.

The real challenge the Great Pyramid still poses to us in the opening decade of the Third Millennium is the physical plant itself. Theorists have gone on endlessly speculating about how it was built and the metaphysical, cultural and religious significance and/or symbolism behind its construction. Though several authors have offered tantalising possibilities, none have been conclusively proven.

The mystery remains unsolved.

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Lost Technology Of The Ancients: The Crystal Sun

Zen-Haven March 6 2013

The ancient Greek Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC believed that the sun was a gigantic crystal ball larger than the earth, which gathered the ambient light of the surrounding cosmos and refracted it to earth, acting as a giant lens.

A giant lens? In the 5th century BC? Perhaps it was because nobody until now has been willing to recognise that lenses existed in antiquity, and that the crystal sun idea was overlooked, and has never been described in any books on the history of science or philosophy. However, it appears in my book The Crystal Sun.

What, then, is all this about ancient lenses? Surely some mistake?!

The fact is that I have located more than 450 ancient lenses in museums all round the world, and I even own a Greek crystal lens of the 6th century BC myself. Photos of many of these ancient lenses appear in my book. Anyone interested in full details of the actual lenses themselves should obtain the hardback edition of my book, because ten appendices full of such detailed information have been omitted from the paperback because the book was too thick.

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