The Ebla Tablets Mystery


Ancient Explorers – Ancient Ebla was located in Northern Syria, approximately halfway between the modern cities of Hamath and Aleppo. Excavations at that site began in the 1960s, and in the 1970s a series of extraordinary tablets was discovered among the ruins of an ancient palace. These tablets became known as “The Ebla Tablets”, and they were originally discovered under the direction of two professors from the University of Rome – Dr. Paolo Matthiae and Dr. Giovanni Petinato. At this point, about 17,000 tablets from the ancient Eblaite Kingdom have been recovered. These tablets appear to have been written during the two last generations of ancient Ebla. This means that they probably come from some time around 2300 to 2250 B.C. But what is remarkable about the Ebla tablets is not how old they are, but rather the amazing parallels to the Bible that they contain.

For example, one scholar was very surprised at just how close much of the language on the tablets is to ancient Hebrew….

The vocabularies at Ebla were distinctively Semitic: the word “to write” is k-t-b (as in Hebrew), while that for “king” is “malikum,” and that for “man” is “adamu.” The closeness to Hebrew is surprising.

In addition, a vast array of Biblical names that have not been found in any other ancient Near Eastern languages have been reported to have been found in similar forms in Eblaite (one of the two languages found on the tablets). Continue reading

Visoko: An Astronomical Map Of More Than 100,000 Years

visokoArmando Mei – I met Semir Osmanagich, three years ago, in Pescara (Italy) during a conference on Ancient Civilizations and we had several intriguing conversations that were the seeds of my study on the enigmatic stone found in the valley of Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In my opinion, Semir is working very hard to prove the existence of the pyramidal complex in Bosnia and I agree with him, when he stated that “Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origin of men, civilizations and pyramids”. History must be rewritten.

After two years of investigations, I may say that the mysterious symbols carved on the enigmatic stone, found near the Ravne Tunnels in Visoko, represent a possible astronomical map. Experts believe the symbols are the core of an ancient writing system carved by an unknown civilization that lived in the valley of Visoko. The stone was an enigma for many years, but I have now found the key in which to decipher the mysterious symbols.


VisokoView from Visočica hill where old town Visoki once stood showing today’s Visoko and much of historic and present Visoko valley, excluding Moštre (Wikimedia Commons)

The special signs carved on the stone are not ancient writings, or protorunic, as some researchers assumed, but the clear evidence of a stellar configuration of the sky above Visoko in a very ancient time. Continue reading