Visoko: An Astronomical Map Of More Than 100,000 Years

visokoArmando Mei – I met Semir Osmanagich, three years ago, in Pescara (Italy) during a conference on Ancient Civilizations and we had several intriguing conversations that were the seeds of my study on the enigmatic stone found in the valley of Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In my opinion, Semir is working very hard to prove the existence of the pyramidal complex in Bosnia and I agree with him, when he stated that “Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origin of men, civilizations and pyramids”. History must be rewritten.

After two years of investigations, I may say that the mysterious symbols carved on the enigmatic stone, found near the Ravne Tunnels in Visoko, represent a possible astronomical map. Experts believe the symbols are the core of an ancient writing system carved by an unknown civilization that lived in the valley of Visoko. The stone was an enigma for many years, but I have now found the key in which to decipher the mysterious symbols.


VisokoView from Visočica hill where old town Visoki once stood showing today’s Visoko and much of historic and present Visoko valley, excluding Moštre (Wikimedia Commons)

The special signs carved on the stone are not ancient writings, or protorunic, as some researchers assumed, but the clear evidence of a stellar configuration of the sky above Visoko in a very ancient time.

To prove my hypothesis, I studied the symbols by using a methodology based on a description of each sign, considering the correct meaning and proposing the exact correlation with constellations.

The stone has a very intriguing half-sphere shape and it is not a coincidence. The choice has been made taking into consideration the message the creators wanted to convey. Their goal was to reproduce the sky above Visoko, in a very special time, fixing the position of the constellations in respect to their latitude. That is why the stone has a half-spherical shape, because it is a portrayal of the sky.

Now take a look at the details:

The stone is divided into four quadrants by two intersecting lines. I stress the importance of the two lines. The point of origin is in the lower part of the stone, as they wanted to reproduce the celestial sphere as follows: the vertical line is the Celestial Meridian, while the horizontal line is the Celestial Horizon.


The analysis of the symbols gives the opportunity to note the existence of lines whose functions are very important. In the following image, the lines are astronomical measuring devices. In the left quadrant, for instance, the red line – starting from the horizontal line (celestial horizon) –  may have  two meanings:

  1. To indicate the equinox or solstice dawn;
  2. To indicate the Ecliptic Meridian. In this last case, the red line is the most important symbol carved on the map. It gives the possibility to establish when, along the year, the sky was observed. In fact, the Ecliptic Meridian forms an astronomical imaginary angle of about 45° only at the dawn of the Autumnal Equinox, and its inclination fixes the precise time of the astronomical configuration.  Continue reading . . .

SF Source Ancient Origins  June 2015

2 thoughts on “Visoko: An Astronomical Map Of More Than 100,000 Years

  1. A perfect segue into the message from musician Laurie Anderson in ‘Progress…aka The Dream Before’, and I paraphrase, (apologies to Laurie):

    ‘History is an Angel being blown backwards into the Future…history is a pile of debris.
    And the Angel wants to go back…to repair the things that have been broken.
    But there is a Storm blowing from Paradise and the Storm keeps blowing the Angel
    backwards into the Future.
    And that Storm…that Storm… is called…PROGRESS.’

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