Edward Bernays’ Daughter Anne Discusses Life With The ‘Father Of PR’

Anne Bernays
Anne Bernays

Anne Bernays is the daughter of the so-called ‘Father of Public Relations’, Edward Bernays. She is, in her own right, an accomplished novelist and teacher, currently on the faculty of Lesley University’s MFA program in writing.

She joined Guy Evans for Episode 120 of the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast to talk about life with the man she called ‘Eddie’; discussing his intense dedication to his work, his contradictory personality, and above all, his legacy. Enjoy!

Click here to download this podcast.

(Direct mp3 download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/smellslikepodcast/SLHS120.mp3)

Guy Evans is the Founder and Host of the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast, which covers a wide variety of social and political issues. He also writes a regular column on former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds’ independent news website, BoilingFrogsPost.com.

Before getting into the world of independent media, he spent three years lecturing in the United Kingdom, playing international basketball, and running his own business. He has been featured in several academic publications for his student-focused lecturing and coaching approaches; notably a chapter in the internationally-distributed book ‘Athlete-Centered Coaching’ (Kidman, 2010). Mr. Evans lives with his wife (and three cats!) in Brooklyn, NY.

Source SmellsLikeHumanSpirit  July 1 2014