New Harvard Study Discovers Concerning Information About Antibiotics

AntibioticsAlexander Fleming discovered penicillin in the 1940s, and it has been used as a poster child for ‘safe’ antibiotics ever since. Fleming’s discovery heralded the ‘age of antibiotics,’ but new research from Harvard scientists reveals concerning information about antibiotics, confirming that the antibiotic age is coming to an end.

Penicillin has been called better than the ‘big gun’ antibiotics for treating pneumonia and other childhood diseases, but it that really true in a new age of antibiotic resistance created by their overuse? Even the corrupt FDA admits that antibiotic misuse and overuse is a problem.

According to the Harvard summary:

“One of the oldest and most widely used antibiotics, penicillin, attacks enzymes that build the bacterial cell wall. Researchers have now shown that penicillin and its variants also set in motion a toxic malfunctioning of the cell’s wall-building machinery, dooming the cell to a futile cycle of building and then immediately destroying that wall.”

This would be a simple microbial process that we could take for granted if it weren’t for the resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics that has emerged in the last few decades. The fact is that scientists still don’t really know how the original ‘age of antibiotics’ worked.

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Antibiotic And Heavy Metal Contamination In Environment Contributes To Resistance Of Harmful Bacteria

“Very low concentrations of both heavy metals (such as arsenic) and antibiotics, either separately or in combination, were able to enrich resistant plasmid-bearing bacteria, according to the study’s results.” –

drugAbuseLow concentrations of various pharmaceutical drugs are making their way into our water systems and soil through improper disposal, such as flushing, and through human excretion.

When people take antibiotics, or other medications, they are often passed through the urine unchanged, active and in their original state. This drug-containing urine then enters wastewater treatment facilities where it is not filtered out due to a lack of screening and the necessary equipment required to remove the drugs.

Excrement containing pharmaceutical drugs eventually ends up in the environment, which is concerning, because the environmental impacts of this process are still being uncovered and are therefore widely unknown.

However, the results of a new study published in the journal mBio sheds some light on what’s happening to these drugs and how their presence in the environment contributes to antibiotic resistance, as well as their reaction with heavy metals present in nature due to natural sources and human activities. Continue reading

FDA Allows Chemo Drugs To Be Prescribed As Antibiotics

A few popular antibiotics affect DNA, similar to some chemotherapy agents.  If you’re sensitive to them, you could pay a neurological price that causes sudden and serious neuropathy and degrees of brain damage.  The Food and Drug Administration is concerned about drugs in the fluoroquinolone class, and these already have a black box warning for an increased risk of tendon ruptures.  But I’m telling you that more reports have come in with accusations of neurological damage.  Personally, I would only use these for life-threatening infections that were unresponsive to older, regular antibiotics.”  -Suzy Cohen, RPh 

fdaIt is not appropriate to give people cell-destroying chemotherapy drugs when they don’t have cancer. That should be obvious. It shouldn’t even need to be said. But it’s happening every day when people are prescribed fluoroquinolone antibiotics – Cipro/ciprofloxacin, Levaquin/levofloxacin, Floxin/ofloxacin and Avelox/moxifloxacin – to treat ear, bladder, prostate, sinus and other infections. Fluoroquinolones are chemotherapy drugs. They have just been mass marketed as antibiotics by the FDA.

You may be thinking something along the lines of, “WHAT? Cipro isn’t a chemo drug, it’s an antibiotic. Everyone knows that.”

Here are several reasons why Cipro, Levaquin, Floxin, Avelox and all other fluoroquinolones should be recognized as cell-destroying chemotherapy drugs:

  1. In an article published in the journal Urology, it was noted that, “Ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin exhibit significant time and dose-dependent cytotoxicity against transitional carcinoma cells.” That’s great – excellent, actually – if you happen to have carcinoma cells in your bladder. But if you just happen to have a bladder infection, chemo drugs that exhibit toxicity toward human cells – cancer or otherwise – are inappropriate for use (1).
  2. The mechanism for action for fluoroquinolones is that they are topoisomerase interrupters (2). Topoisomerases are enzymes that are necessary for DNA replication and reproduction. All of the other drugs that are topoisomerase interrupters are approved only for use as chemotherapeutic agents. It is only appropriate to use drugs that disrupt the process of DNA replication and reproduction when someone’s cells are already so messed up that they have cancer. Continue reading

Hospitals – Why It Is More Important Than Ever To Steer Clear Of Them

“. . . there are several conventional procedures that have arguably contributed to the deterioration of many people’s quality of life. Whether it’s chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, antibiotics, prescriptions, or vaccines, all of them carry a significant risk that damages the vitality of the body and sets the path for a declining quality of life.”  – D Henry

cartoon_doctorPatientNaturalNews ~ It may seem obvious that any time is a good time to be well, but it rings even more true now than it did even a couple of decades ago. The threats to our health are continuously growing, and even places that are deemed safe and therapeutic have become contaminated.

So why is it more important than ever to stay out of hospitals?

Conventional medical care is expensive, dangerous, and not natural. If you live in the U.S., you have the most expensive health care in the world, and unfortunately, it also ranks dead last in quality of care among industrialized countries. In fact, the U.S. spends more money than the 10 biggest spenders combined! In simple terms, the U.S. medical system is extremely bloated and about to explode.

If that is not insulting enough, recent research reveals 210,000 lives are lost each year by preventable hospital errors! If you choose to include diagnostic errors, failure to follow proper guidelines, and omission errors, the number climbs to 440,000 preventable deaths each year! Turns out that these errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., immediately after heart disease and cancer. Continue reading