Living in Appreciation

 Living in AppreciationThe Angels – Those of you who are soon to celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving know that the holiday centers around appreciation. You take time to appreciate family, friends, or some quiet time for yourself.  You take time to appreciate a diversity of food, fun, activities, or rest.

You take time to put the world’s problems aside so you can enjoy the things that truly matter in your lives – love, laughter, relaxation, sharing, & caring. Even if you spend the holiday alone in peace, you take time to commune with that which is peaceful and beautiful inside yourself. Every day can be a day of giving thanks. Every moment offers opportunities for appreciation. Continue reading

Be a Keeper of the Peace

appreciationThe Angels – Take a breath. Take time to appreciate something you overlook every day. Perhaps the grass is soft under your feet. Go out and feel it. Perhaps there is a warm sunbeam that falls on your patio at a certain time of day. Experience the pleasure of it upon your skin.

As you run the water from your faucet feel its coolness or warmth flow over your hands. Take time to smell your morning beverage and appreciate it. Listen to the sizzle of food in the pan before dinner and enjoy the tiny flecks of oil jumping about. Tune into the hum of the bees on a warm day and feel their collective vibration. Take the time to appreciate the sensory delights of your physical world. Continue reading

Are you a Reactor or Creator?

attract loveThe Angels – It is time upon your earth to ask yourself, “Am I a reactor, or a creator?” Are my feelings based on reactions to what I see around me in my external world, or are my feelings based on the kinder, happier thoughts I choose to embrace in my inner world?

Do I live in the 3D paradigm and feel my fate is determined by external conditions and how I manage to control the external world? Or am I willing to embrace a 5D reality wherein I value my focus in my inner world, knowing that as I emanate a vibration I draw unto myself the very same? Continue reading

Ways To Attract Someone Who Truly Appreciates You

Daily Vibes – We all want the same basic qualities in a relationship. Respect, love, confidence, being open and growth are a few. We all want someone that makes us feel wanted and adored. Below are methods of attracting a lover that adores us.

1. Be Yourself

If you want someone to love you for who you are, you have to be able to express your true self.  By portraying yourself you keep everything simple.

Life and relationships are complicated enough with out persona’s. You can’t truly grow with someone if they only experience false aspects of your personality. You demonstrate perspective and strength when you are genuine. Continue reading

Angel Messages For May 11 – 17 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

We’re still in the intense roller-coaster energy cycles, but this week looks better than last week.

The week begins with optimism and reasons to smile. You may get overly busy mid-week, and it’s important to rest and prioritize. Then by the weekend, you feel better again — especially since you’ll get appreciation for all of your hard work.


We’re in the pre-shadow of the upcoming May 19 Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, so it’s important to be extra-careful with communications to avoid misunderstandings . . . and to clear and resolve miscommunications. Electronics may seem to have a mind of their own. A sense of humor will help with these occurrences. Continue reading