Angel Messages For May 11 – 17 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

We’re still in the intense roller-coaster energy cycles, but this week looks better than last week.

The week begins with optimism and reasons to smile. You may get overly busy mid-week, and it’s important to rest and prioritize. Then by the weekend, you feel better again — especially since you’ll get appreciation for all of your hard work.


We’re in the pre-shadow of the upcoming May 19 Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, so it’s important to be extra-careful with communications to avoid misunderstandings . . . and to clear and resolve miscommunications. Electronics may seem to have a mind of their own. A sense of humor will help with these occurrences. Continue reading

Take The Growth, And Truly Be Done

GingkoBilobaFlowerSkyAll those in physical reality seek the ideal probability as they move through life. Most wish to define it as an easy one, filled with countless positive dramatics.

The truth of it lies in the balance of positive and negative experience. The ego of the physical self hopes to maneuver between negative dramatics without much chaos. However, sometimes self created chaos can glean more spiritual awareness and growth.

The ability to achieve that balance can be elusive. We suggest deciding to face the negative head on. Make the uncomfortable often painful moments worth the effort to get through it.

Examine it all carefully to be able to know what the lesson is. Pay attention to what has been created for your growth. To ignore it, the possibility of creating a perpetual loop of dramatics is probable. Continue reading

Life Is A Spiral, Not A Straight Line

“In my experience, appreciation and gratitude for what is, for all you are, all you have, all you have done so far, all the love that is around you, and all you have to offer just as you are right now, has been the most effective, most rapid ‘flick switch’ tool, to get me in my zone and in my flow . . .” – D Mrkich

higherOnce upon a time we could be out of alignment with ourselves, out of alignment with our heart/truth/higher guidance/Source, and somehow get by. Not necessarily smoothly or healthily or comfortably all the time, but if we wanted to ignore or avoid something we somehow found a way to distract ourselves from our inner truth and highest knowing.

Now however we are dealing with a whole different ballgame. There is a distinct feeling of ‘you’re either in your flow/aligned, or you’re not’ with not much grey in between. The ‘in your flow’ moments feel fab….synchronicities happen, unexpected miracles and abundance manifest, you feel happier and lighter, there is a sense of openness and expansion.

The ‘not in your flow’ moments feel terrible, and I’m being polite with the wording there. Tightness, tension, chaos, drama, mental anguish, emotional anxiety, physical health issues, it is not a happy place to be. On many levels it is painful, and in most cases it is unnecessary pain.

I’ve had my share of both moments, and I have learned this: our experience of the moments of our life have nothing to do with what is going on outside us. I have to paraphrase Eckhart Tolle here and say that ‘the exception is for maybe 5% of the time when there truly is a devastating occurrence in our lives’. The other 95% of the time our mind is running the show with its script, totally influencing how we feel, and thus completely driving our vibration, determining what we attract, and affecting the way in which we perceive and respond to our days and lives.

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