Aquarius – Energy of the Month

energyKelly M. Beard – This month’s energy helps you focus on expressing your innate uniqueness, on all levels. It is also the energy of experimentation – try some new way of doing an old thing. Try to get an understanding of the bigger picture, see your connection to the whole or work on planning your long-term goals.

Sometimes we get too bogged down in mundane matters and we lose sight of why we started doing the things we’re doing in the first place. Avoid seeking others’ approval, as most people think differently and may not understand your truth and purpose, which is really none of their concern to begin with. Try seeing the positive side of everything this month – even if it utterly sucks! Continue reading

High Voltage

aquariusLorna Bevan – This week, on January 19th when the Sun enters the sign of the Futurist, we will all feel the great shift into Air from Earth that began on December 21st with the epochal Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius. This is the seeding of the 2021-43 Aquarian Agenda which will radically change the frequencies and time-lines when the February 1-18th Great Aquarius Stellium imprints us with the 5th Ray of concrete knowledge, science and technology – the electricity that powers your devices and your subtle magnetic field.

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‘Speaking Truth’

aquaiusLiz D’Aste – One of the questions I get asked frequently is when does the Age of Aquarius actually start?

Well….in a way, there is no such thing as specific starts and finishes when dealing with Ages that span thousands of years. Same thing goes when trying to determine when one constellation starts and the other finishes. There are no boundary lines in space and the stars that make up a constellation are not even within the same plane. One star can be light years into deeper space than another.

The way I see the question of Ages in my mind’s eye is in pictures of contrasting waves of energy  interpenetrating for a time. An Age lasts for over 2,000 years, so when that vibration begins to touch the vibration of the next Age there will be, in my estimation, at least 300 years of intermingling before the next Age becomes the obvious one. Continue reading

New Moon in Aquarius – Evolving Beyond the Veils of Illusion

Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone – The gift of life comes from seeing the transcendent beauty that lies beyond the veils of Maya. This perception can only be fully known when one’s eyes seek to know the source of all things. Our journey on Earth is to know this place, to experience Source deeply from within ourselves, and to manifest its light into this human reality. We define this experience in our lives as love. 

Today’s New Moon and the planetary alignments that accompany it evoke an important new focus; the merging of spirit into matter; the purposeful fusing of love — of Source energy — into material existence, with every thought, every action, and every cell in our body. To do this, though, it is important we see beyond the confining veils of illusion so that we can understand and apply our highest potential into reality.

An important part of bringing the purpose of our true higher essence to life, is coming to understand that each of us grows and learns through our own darkness. At a point in our individual journey, we learn to take our experiences of pain suffering, loss and separation and break the shackles. We become conduits of light, transcending the darkness and, through this process, finding more illuminating ways of doing things. Astrologically speaking, this process is a reflection of Aquarius, the Prometheus archetype, which brings illumination to the physical plane in the form of fire (creation). Continue reading