Ring Of Archons! New Age Deep State Part 4 [Video]

Exclusive Interview! Whistleblower Derrick Faust Comes Forward!


Daniel Liszt – In this fascinating part 4 episode of the New Age Deep State series, Dark Journalist welcomes former insider to Corey Goode’s camp Derrick Faust for an exclusive interview on what really is behind the Cult Marketing Campaign that is driving the commercialization of the Blue Avian, Sphere Being Alliance 3-Year Disclosure marketing plan.

This campaign is the brainchild of self proclaimed Time-Traveling Astronaut Corey Goode and his Business Partner Roger Ramsaur and includes unusual aspects like a therapy network to help cope with disclosure and a Comic Book based on Goode’s adventures in Secret Space.

‘Disclosure’ Corporation Swallows Grassroots Truth Effort

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How To Break Archon Programming

archonsMichelle Walling – The definition of archons has been described as being an artificial Intelligence (AI) program that has enslaved humanity over millions of years. In order for humans to beat the “system” during the final showdown, we need to know a few simple things that can be done to break the programming.

What is the origin of the archons?

When the divine feminine aspect of Source sent out “the call” to souls to come be a part of this great ascension experience, many responded. Not only was there an opportunity to rapidly grow spiritually but it was a chance to be a part of the grandest template of biological creation ever.

The archons did not hear “the call,” and out of fairness some souls told them of their plans to incarnate into the densest but most polarized environment created thus far. The archons did not believe the souls because they had not heard the call themselves. They already had exhibited greed, domination, and control tendencies which had pushed them farther away from the vibration of Source. The archonic entities became jealous of the souls’ decisions to embark on this journey and vowed to follow them down into the experiment and to give them the extreme polarity difficulty needed to push humanity toward waking up when it was time to make the journey back home.

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ECETI News Sept. 2016

humanityJames Gilliland  – Here we go again more false flags in a last ditch effort to maintain the corrupt status quo.The powers that were are imploding. The Boston bombing, a complete botched false flag now has part two. Sandy Hook was also a complete failure unless you are a neutered zombie robot consumer believing the lame stream press; which unfortunately is the case for a lot of people.

There is a saying, “You get the government you deserve.” If you are going to behave like ignorant sheep you create job security for the tyrants.

There is an oath within most military and government enforcement agencies to protect and serve the people. Most take an oath to protect the constitution as well against enemies foreign and domestic. We need to walk our talk when it comes to foreign countries as well. I was given a refrigerator magnet showing a GI kicking a door in saying let’s talk about freedom. We cannot operate in foreign countries in complete contradiction to the ideals America was founded on. Not to mention honoring international law.

The status quo has lost all sight of honor, integrity, the God given rights of all humanity succumbing to unbridled greed, power over others and in many cases genocide. We are talking about being governed by pathological liars, thieves, and murderers. We are talking about down right satanic, demonic and maniacal forces when you get down to the root of the matter. This is not conspiracy. It is fact and the condition of humanity and the Earth bears testimony to this.

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, August 24, 2016

“Ocean View Beach, Virginia” – photographer Anna

Disseminating Moon in Taurus/Gemini 7:41 pm ET/11:41 pm UT: share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart; Kali, Goddess of Beginnings and Endings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  discern and connect with your heart’s desires; step out of drama and observe like a wise owl in a tree

True Alignments:  ageless, comebacks, trailblazing, developments and achievements, confidence, visual and performing arts, imagination, the place of inner stillness, grounded, ancient sources of wisdom, patience

Catalysts for Change:  indecision, naïve, denial, projection of one’s feelings onto others, lack of common sense, feeling alone/lost, high drama, propaganda, rigid, dominating and controlling, bossing people around, compulsive consumption

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “an evening lawn party of adults”  (gathering, reflecting, expanded perceptions, ease)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (the course of humanity’s renaissance)

Mars is riding shotgun with Saturn today, and early accounts indicate that the “show” is on.  From Monday’s Oracle Report:

“…the three-day march of Mars and Saturn as they make conjunction at 10 Sagittarius: “a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity.”  The aeon Sophia opens another scene in the narrative of her journey.  Archontic energies are re-called to her in great numbers.  This manifests for some with wild scenarios, actions, dramas, and power plays.  Warlike, aggressive, power-addicted, and controlling behavior can result.  This manifests for others with the rewards of reason, effort, perseverance, and wisdom.

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Lions Gate 8/8/2016

James Gilliland – For those of you who are sensitive and on a soul level connected to the Feline, Panther and Lion being lineage today was intense.

gateMany were used as beacons, transmitters of the Lion Gate energy. Some were basically laid out, became dizzy and dysfunctional with the new energies. Don’t worry this will pass.

This energy is designed to empower those who choose to find their own inner lion, their inner strength and courage. It is also wreaking havoc on the Cabal and the Archon network.

The Archons are demonics, negative ETs such as some greys, reptilian, serpent beings etc. and they are being shaken to their core with these new energies. Many are fleeing the planet like rats jumping ship. All I can say to that is don’t let the Star Gate hit you in the ass on the way out.

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