How The Parasitic Forces From The Dark Universe Have Kept Us Sedated

lightMeTa MeLa – The parasitic forces (I often call Archons) are all around us, in the media/tv/music and celebrity worship, in the world governments, in the world religions and cult self-help groups, in the architecture of our buildings and cityscapes, in the processed food that we buy at the store, in the jobs we tolerate on a daily basis in order to survive, and in the programs we inherited from our parents and transfer to our children. Their agenda has held many faces and many formats, but it all has the same purpose:

‘To keep us confused between our Light and Dark and how our Auric Field technology works. To keep us from receiving clarified thought which would enable us to utilize our Free Will (the ability to see true causal relationship and make decision accordingly).’

Why, you might ask? The answer is simple, and much less ‘Evil’ than you think. We are food for the hive-minded mosquitoes of the Dark Universe. We are fuel, or another ancient name is ‘Vril’. It is the reason that human sacrifice and child pedophilia rings take place underground as a global phenomenon every day under the guise of various means. It is the reason people become terrorists. It uses music and this supposed idea of the ‘Illuminati’ to entrain our brainwaves. It is really no more evil than a corporate chicken farmer, because we are essentially chickens to these forces.

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The Missing Element To Contact

energiesJames Gilliland – We are getting bombarded with new energies. Not only are we moving through a highly energized place in space, the sun is reacting to these energies. There are solar storms in process, massive coronal holes and incoming flares.

The 11th dimensional ships are using these energies as part of the awakening and healing process along with the beautiful many Saints, Sages, and Star Nations.

It is a natural evolution and the timing is ripe for the BS.

It is said there will be wars and rumors of wars

The tyrants are rising, revealing themselves and their agendas in total ignorance of these greater forces. They don’t know why their plans keep falling apart. They and their agendas are not frequency specific to the plans on high.

Their efforts are like that of a bat flying frantically in circles trying to block the sun. Bats are not equipped to fly in the sunlight nor are the tyrants to continue their agendas in the days to come. The eagles are observing on high flowing with the process. My suggestion is avoid the bat*hit crazy people during this process. There will be a lot of people having extreme difficulties adapting to these new energies.

Without being fully grounded in Universal Law, being service oriented with one’s own personal God/Creator/Spirit connection and knowing how to maintain your center with loving detachment it is going to be extremely difficult to get through these times.

The UFO community and the missing element to contact

This brings us to another topic.  I will tell you this from the ultra dimensional perspective. They do not care if you prove they exist. They do not care if your government acknowledges their existence. Those in the know and in the loop in government know they exist.

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The Matrix: Breaking Free [Video]

The Matrix and pyramid structure is a concept or definition of more ”powerful ” groups of Orion-influenced humans who seek to control the worlds resources by keeping esoteric/spiritual information a secret, creating ruling classes and by designing and creating a system in where souls are kept in the physical dimension and are subject to mind control, health decay and spiritual blindness.

Even though we can see some of these things implemented in our worlds history and current time, this doesn’t have to be our future. This doesn’t have to be the way WE live and exist.

We are entering a new era, an era of open source information and spiritual technology solutions so the soul can be set free and increase in frequency .

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, March 17, 2016

Griannan of Aileach, Observatory-Fortress C. 1700 BCE, Derry, Ireland – photographer LEELA

First Quarter Moon in Cancer/Leo tonight 2:55 am ET/6:55 am UT: step out (of comfort zone); take action

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kamala, Goddess of the Lotus, Goddess Who Leaves No One Behind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: be like a wise owl in the tree if emotions/experiences/thoughts become intense

True Alignments: abundance, emotional equilibrium, full expressions, integration, revelations, aiming higher, going outside into nature, foresight, temperance, forward momentum, sacred unions of the feminine and masculine, protective, re-arrangement of relationships, healing a wound, making wishes

Catalysts for Change: losing faith, pushing one’s convictions onto others, difficulty with decisions, unwilling to consider other options or solutions, jealousy, confusion, religious persecution, seizing or stealing things, ungrounded or disconnected with nature, shriveling up, self-sabotage, unfulfilled needs, chaotic

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a table set for an evening meal”  (re-arranging, setting in place, expectations”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration of consciousness)

As discussed in the audio recording for this lunar month (New Moon in Pisces at the homepage of, this month is an exceptionally emotional one.  Today this effect is strong.

Mercury meets up with (conjuncts) Chiron today.  It looks like this:

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