Cyborg Soldiers, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotic Mass Surveillance May be Here Sooner Than You Think

artificial intelligenceCarolanne Wright – Straight out of the science fiction film The Terminator, a 72-page Pentagon document lays out their plan for the future of combat and war, which will utilize artificial intelligence (or AI), robotics, information technology as well as biotechnology.

Proponents of advanced technology — such as robot soldiers and artificial intelligence — argue both can be made ethically superior to humans, where issues of rape, pillaging or the destroying of towns in fits of rage would be drastically reduced, if not eliminated. Many in the science community are casting a weary eye toward this technology, however, warning that it can easily surpass human control, leading to unpredictable — and even catastrophic — consequences.

Defense Innovation Initiative — The Future of War

The Department of Defense (DoD) has announced the United States will be entering a brave new world of automated combat in a little over a decade, where wars will be completely fought using advanced weaponized robotic systems. We’ve already had a glimpse of what’s to come with the use of drones. But, according to the DoD, we haven’t seen anything yet. Continue reading

The Background People Will Disappear At The Shift

new earthMichelle Walling, CHLC – Remember when Dolores Cannon said that there were “Background people”?

Our current bodies are not “real”, they are Avatars. In this life, they are an AI program we are using to carry out simulated creation. This occurred when the DNA was changed. Remember, you are the creator of your reality so you did this for a reason.

You created many of the background people to run out scenarios and plays in your reality, to show you what you needed to change or heal (distorted emotional energy).

The AI program is glitching out because we are constantly replacing the negative energy we created with the positive (love) through our conscious choices. Continue reading

The 3D Printing Scrapbook: Responsive Materials, AI, And Thought …

additive manufacturingJoseph P Farrell – It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything in the 3D Printing Scrapbook, but here’s one that was found by Mr. B.H., and it really made me think of some new scenarios and speculations for the phenomenon of 3D Printing, or additive manufacturing as it is also sometimes referred to (copy and paste into your browser):

New Brunswick researcher investigating 3D-printing powered by thought

You’ll note here that this particular Canadian company is seeking to expand the scope of capabilities being integrated into and with additive manufacturing:

FREDERICTON—New Brunswick researchers are plotting what they call the “factories of the future” by developing 3D-printing technologies they said could pave the way for the next industrial revolution.

Mechanical engineer Ed Cyr is studying the applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing 3D-printed materials as part of a $1.25-million innovation program from the McCain Foundation announced at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton Sept. 5. Continue reading

Man/Machine Merger and the Global Transhuman Society

Aaron Dykes – The article below, from The Age of Transitions, is an important account of many of the key figures in the Transhumanist movement, who have played a major role in shaping the past century, and who have brought to life complex technological machines to run our lives, and merge with our functions and, eventually, our thoughts. The cybernetics movement created the technological means of achieving psychological goals of managing the masses in a collective “hive mind.” As artificial intelligence reaches a threshold for sophistication, and it is paired with a database that represents the total knowledge of world affairs, the power over the affairs of this world will be unified and centralized. Individuality will be a trifling thing, as will rights. The total power of the state can theoretically be attained, and even perpetuated indefinitely.

These themes are behind the thinking and political agendas of many groups who have steered global politics and secret society goals. There is an obscure telling of this theme in the critically rejected 1997 film Exorcist 2: The Heretic, directed by John Boorman who is notable for exploring similar themes in the 1974 revelation-of-the-method cult classic Zardoz – a film that promises to go “Beyond 1984. Beyond 2001. Beyond Love. Beyond Death.” but instead largely misses its audience, and is known instead for the bizarre costume worn by Sean Connery and the strange, little understood plot.

Exorcist 2: The Heretic makes almost no attempt to follow up the story started in the first Exorcist, but instead departs completely from the concept. Instead, Boorman inserts the transhumanist ideas of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the Jesuit priest who worked with theRockefeller Foundation and UNESCO head Julian Huxley (who authored the biology text classic Evolution: The Modern Synthesis) on a collective evolution agenda that construct a global society centered around shared ideas and communications control. Continue reading