October 2016 Energy Report

actionJennifer Hoffman – We’re out of the heavy transitional energies of September and that’s a relief. But before you jump out of the October starting gate and rush off onto any available path because you are so glad to be out of those challenging energies, be aware that Mercury is still in its shadow retrograde, we have some energy aspects that support careful consideration and calm assessment before taking action, and while fresh starts are possible, they must be made within the context of October’s energy requirements of balance, equilibrium, and congruence. And with all of the focus on relationships and partnerships this month, remember that your first and most important relationship is the one you have with yourself, and it’s the one all of your other relationships will mirror.

Like September, October begins with a new moon but this one is not an eclipse and it doesn’t have some of the challenging aspects of September’s. So we begin the month with support for new efforts but Mercury is still in its difficult retrograde until October 7, so mind the retro warnings, they are still in effect. This is a month for action that is aligned with our intention, energy, and energetically balanced with our needs, for priorities that put us first, and for equilibrium in our lives so the energy flows with congruent harmony.

If you’re saying ‘yes’ to all of that, let’s take a closer look so you know exactly what this means. October’s energy does not come with a magic wand but it does offer profound potential for transformation if we’re willing to align with it, do the work it requires, and take action.

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