Sound: Its Influence On Civilizations, Part 3

“. . . the jazz-sound introduced a chord with the seventh note of the scale added, and was considered to be outrageous, scandalous and “the music of the devil.” Today, jazz is not considered sinful, or even racy, but is relegated to soothing elevator music.” ~J Mattson

tetrachordsWe have explored the powerful influence of the the music of the Atlanteans, Pursians, Egytpians and the ancient Chinese populations. We shall go forward in time and look into the Greek music and the early Middle Ages and see just how music influenced these civilizations.

In the Greek epoch, tetra chords, two groups of four notes each, created modes, which resembled our scales. These modes, or sound-formulas, characterized personalities. The scales were even named after people who preferred its mood. According to Steiner, this musical system enabled spiritual energy to descend to a greater extent so mankind could see the world primarily through a physical body. Continue reading