NYT Despicably Blames Russia for Monday’s Syria Humanitarian Convoy Attack Carried Out by US-Supported Terrorists

attackStephen Lendman – It’s a good time to repeat what I’ve said before. All the news The Times claims fit to print isn’t fit to read.

Rubbish substitutes – misinformation and Big Lies on geopolitical issues, especially when America wages naked aggression against invented enemies.

The Times report on Monday’s Syria humanitarian convoy attack reads like Pentagon/administration-scripted deception, citing unnamed US officials, turning truth on its head saying “Russia was probably responsible for the” attack.

The self-styled newspaper of record ignored clear evidence, showing no bombing occurred as falsely reported, no craters that would have resulted from air-to-surface munitions.

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid were struck by ground fire, US-supported terrorists responsible for what happened.

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