Apply this to Everything

You Need to Know ThisDaniel Scranton – Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are awakening within you certain experiences that you have had in other parts of the galaxy, because of the vibration that we are operating at and because of the energies we are sending to all of you.

You also get your DNA activated by these transmissions, and you become closer to your higher selves. We don’t want to take too much credit for all of these things, but we do want you to recognize that what you expose yourself to, in terms of energy, vibration and information, matters. Continue reading

Patience, Appreciation, Answers

present momentThe Angels – You have a saying on earth that “Patience is a virtue.” You understand intuitively that no matter how difficult life might be, you will weather it more easily with a bit of patience, for patience is a willingness to surrender yourself into the moment, to embrace the gifts and opportunities therein, and to find the love right where you are, in the here and now.

We absolutely understand that many of you want much more and much better than the present moment seems to offer, and we are not asking you to stay stuck in it. If you are cold, you want warmth. If you are broke, you want abundance. If you are lonely you want companionship. Continue reading

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Melanie Beckler – Where Focus Goes Energy Flows

“Energy flows where attention goes…”

energyHave you heard this saying before? It’s really so true. Your energy does flow in correspondence with your attention.

This is true on a number of levels.

The first of which is in terms of your awareness.

Awareness and Opening Your Heart

For example, let’s say you would like to open your heart. Continue reading

All It Takes Is a Willingness to Show Up!

attentionMary O’Malley – In my experience, we all have three layers.  The top layer is the controlling layer where most people’s minds operate.  From a very young age, we have all been conditioned to struggle with what is showing up in our lives that we don’t like.

Most of the time, our attention is focused on the mind that creates thoughts all day, and we don’t see the vast sea of peace through which the thoughts flow.  As we grew up, we were taught that we are a separate beings and that life is not safe. To manage this, the top layer is busy all day long, liking and disliking, wanting and resisting, planning and trying to figure it all out.  But just when we think we have it all together, it all falls apart. And that is when most people turn to their compulsions (over eating, over shopping, over working, over worrying, as well as abusing drugs and alcohol) because we want to get away from what we are experiencing that is unpleasant.

Life offers you an amazing journey that will set free your struggling self if you will show up for it.  The first step is to see that your attention is in the storyteller of your mind most of the time.  You just aren’t aware of it. Continue reading

What Is

Kilclooney Dolmen, Ireland – photographer Leela

Mary O’Malley – In the late 90s a friend of mine invited me to sit with a new teacher she discovered in Vancouver BC. I said “yes” and off we went on the three-hour journey from Seattle to Canada. The teacher was Eckhart Tolle, and because he wasn’t yet well known, there were only around only 30 of us with him that day. It was like having been in the desert and discovering a rich and nourishing oasis. His clarity was breathtaking.

A few months later I went up to interview him for our local alternative newspaper. We spent a delightful number of hours talking, laughing and walking the path of awakening together. One of the things I shared with him is that I had just finished leading a retreat, and all around the retreat center – on bushes, in bathrooms, by the silverware holder – I put two different signs, signs that for me pointed to the heart of awakening.

The first sign was, “What is?” ‘What is’ is an invitation to bring your attention full here to the only moment that matters, now, and be curious about what is here. The second sign was “This too!” This is an invitation to let go of your chronic struggle with life and instead allow whatever is here to be here.

He was touched by these two statements, and later, when I told him that my new book, Belonging to Life was woven around these statements, he agreed to endorse it. With great joy, I share with you what he said, “Written with great love and compassion, Belonging to Life is a treasury of practical wisdom and profound insights, all pointing to one essential Truth: how to awaken into present-moment awareness and live in acceptance of what is.  Thank you, Mary, for your contribution to the evolution of human consciousness.”

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