The Master Key to Awakened Magic

magicLori Ann Lothian – I heard from a friend recently, an author and a teacher who had an awakening two decades ago who told me that the flow of magic had abruptly dried up in her life. By this, she meant the gifts of self-remembrance ( synchronicity, ease, intuitive knowing and mini-miracles) had come to a halt just as if someone had turned off  the water faucet.

What happened? Did she fall back asleep? Was there an expiration date on her magic? No. What happened was two things.

First, she had simply entered into a deep ebb phase—because all magic happens in ebbs and flows. This is the Law of Rhythm, and it is not escapable if you live in space-time. Simply said, what goes up, comes down. When magic ebbs, patience and faith are called for. Who are you in the middle of the off-phase is what matters the most. Can you step forward in blind trust that even if you can’t feel or see the hand of the divine right now, you are still connected and you are still being guided?

I hit a patch like this only two weeks ago. It was as if I kept walking into no-flow walls and tripping over my own seemingly chaotic choices and poor discernment. Yet I knew that this was an ebb (it only lasted a few days) and instead of panicking, I chose to relax into it and laugh at myself. (Because some of it was so calamitous I could only laugh).

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When virtue is the greatest crime

selfJon Rappoport – Who are they?

Behind their flaccid smiles is a roaring furnace of anger.

They believe love motivates them. Love, and the worship of some leader who stands for love.

This delusion can topple a society and a civilization.

They have been taught to be good. They been trained in that way, and they embrace their training as both a shield and a sword, as they set out to change the world.

There are millions of them.

Who are they?

They advocate “share and care” without limit. This is their religion. For them, there is no ceiling on supporting those in need, and there are no negative consequences. There is no taking from Peter to pay Paul. It doesn’t exist.

If you told these soldiers for the Good that they could open a door and let 30 million immigrants into the country overnight, they would open the door without hesitation. Downside? Irrelevant. Being good is all that matters. It is the imperative. To betray it would be an unpardonable sin and would destroy them, these holy soldiers.

On the other hand, if you said you had a plan to put two million unemployed Americans back to work tomorrow, they would register indifference. That idea doesn’t fit their world view. Back to work means WORK. Earning a living. Some measure of responsibility and accountability. Self-reliance. Strength. Where is the CHARITY in that? Where is the unlimited giving? Where is the love?

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Why It’s Important To Understand Your Dark Side

selfRajie Kabli –  One of my favourite quotes is by Carl Jung: ”One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”  

This resonates with me so much, I think, because I’ve spent the last 10 years reading, listening to, absorbing, mimicking, and meditating on the following mantras: “Just think positive thoughts.”; “All we are is love and light.”; “This too will pass.”; “Transcend your ego.” 

I have pages and pages of words in countless journals asking, no, pleading, with God or the Universe to please help me be better and rid myself of negativity. I think to myself, “God please help me be more loving, more compassionate, more understanding.” Let me just go ahead and say, nothing is wrong with praying for these things, but not once did I ever stop to think that perhaps I’m not embodying these traits I so desperately seek for a reason.

What is this wild, pushy, manipulative, self-serving woman trying to actually show me right now? I’m talking about my ‘shadow’ self, or ego-self. We all have one, and the more we run and hide and try to deny it’s there, the more internal conflict arises. We’re living in fantasy land if we think we are, and must be, happy, loving, shiny, joy-filled beings all the time. Everyone wants pleasure without the pain. Life doesn’t work like that. We live in a dualistic world.

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Attention is a Tension

attentionKit Walker – There is so much going on now in the world that is all competing for our attention. Everywhere you look, someone is trying to grab your attention. Whether in advertising, the “news”, or just in relationships with friends and family. Artists, musicians, writers, teachers, all trying to get our attention to hear or see their latest offering. Attention Deficit Disorder is a big thing now. It’s safe to say we are in a crisis of attention. Attention has become a real issue, and a very precious commodity. We seem to have the sense that if we can’t get people’s attention we won’t survive. I guess presumably we have the idea that if we can get people to “pay attention”, then maybe we will get them to pay money for whatever it is we are trying to sell. And the very idea of “paying” attention, in itself, is worth investigating. As is the whole notion of “working for a living”, paying to exist, so to speak.

The dance goes on and on. And finally it begins to feel like an all-out assault. Everywhere you go, there’s someone trying to sell you something, whether it is a product, or just their personality (ego). But we never stop and try to understand what attention is. Why do we perceive it to be such an important commodity? Where does it originate? How does it work? Why are we so much more focused on “getting” the attention of others, rather than taking responsibility for our own? It’s almost as if the only way we know we really exist is through the attention of others. It is like checking in the mirror, to make sure you are still there, rather than knowing directly.

Let’s begin to take responsibility for our attention. Let’s sit quietly and inquire into the phenomenon of attention.

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11 Days

11Dana Mrkich – From 25 Dec to 5 Jan we have the quite rare event of all planets being in forward motion. Technically they are all always going forward, but from Earth it sometimes looks like one or more planets are going backwards, known as retrograde motion.

As we know, it is our perspective that colours reality, so when a planet is in retrograde we can be influenced by that. When a planet is from our Earth perspective going forward, we get the positive flow on affect. When ALL are in direct motion, ooooh what then!

You can use these 11 days to play the magical “what if?” game.

What would you dream for your life, or for the world if anything was possible?

What if all the lights to your desired dream were green? Continue reading