How To Change Your Attitude When You’re Stuck In A Situation

Mark DeNicola – When we find ourselves stuck in a situation that just doesn’t sit well with us, whether it be a relationship, job, or social outing, the best solution can often be to remove ourselves from it. It may be difficult to do so, but in the long-run we certainly do ourselves and anyone else it impacts a favour by opting not to force ourselves to be a part of something in which we feel uncomfortable.

situation(Note: I’m certainly not suggesting that we run from everything we’re responsible to or for, but I am referring to those interchangeable circumstances in our life that many of us choose to dwell in longer than we’d like to for all the wrong reasons.)

But what about those instances where we truly feel stuck in a situation for at least an extended period of time? How can we better operate within those circumstances to both make them less challenging and eventually less permanent? Here are 6 ways to shift your attitude towards an uncomfortable situation: Continue reading