You cannot fail

The Angels – There are standards for perfection on your planet earth that have plagued hufeelmanity since the dawn of time. You feel successful if your life looks the way society thinks it should, and not when it doesn’t. You feel beautiful if you match some capricious “wrinkle-free” image. You feel good about yourself when acknowledged and loved by others, less so when abandoned or criticized.

It is only the human conditioning which robs you of your natural state of joy and makes you feel anything less than Divine.

In our eyes, you are perfect, exactly as you are.

When you came to earth as babies, you knew you were perfect. You loved yourselves. You cried when you had need. You laughed when something was funny without worrying about being “socially correct” You didn’t have a shred of guilt in reaching out for what fascinated you. You lived authentically. Continue reading

Angel Messages For Sept, 29 – Oct. 2, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a week of unleashing your true authentic self, and feeling safe in being your real self. You’re letting go of toxic substances, habits, and relationships, as part of your process of accepting and loving yourself.

This can be a very powerful week for you, with manifestations and receiving highlighted for the weekend.

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Angel Messages For July 4 – 10, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a transformative week where you realign with your true authentic self. Any area of your life where you haven’t been yourself, becomes healed.

You realize how loveable and valuable you are – AND that you have a lot of powerful messages to share with others — messages that you may have learned from painful life experiences, which taught you insights that could benefit others.

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The Last Dance

dance Maureen Moss – During this time I was made aware that the prophesied last dance (what many have called Armageddon), between the Darkness of 3rd dimensional consciousness and the Light of 5th dimensional consciousness is taking place within our beings now… and in turn…reflecting (and playing itself out) in the great external mirror.

Few amongst us are unaffected by this intense  dance whirling and spinning us in all directions, at one time, in an attempt to capture our attention and alliance. One is the dance of enslavement and conflict… the other of freedom and Divine Love. One we have lived with for eons of time…one we have longed for even longer.

For each of us the last dance is personal not collective. Though the collective is obviously feeling the pressure and experiencing a shift in ‘reality’ at a grand level…were we to toss this dance off as something everybody is going through… we would miss what is ours to personally resolve, what is ours to personally remember and what is ours to add to the Light, the Love and the Consciousness of a new humanity.

We are at a crucial tipping point in our personal evolution… that is why the heat of the dance is on us. We are literally in the stargate of all potential to physically enter a new reality system.

We didn’t incarnate to live 3D lives. We didn’t incarnate to battle dual natures created in great part by a mind that attempts to control our thoughts until it owns them…and then turns them back on us to control our behavior.

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

loveThe Angels – Reveal yourselves to life dear ones. Allow people to see who you really are. So many spend so much time attempting to fit in, please others, and live up to such a huge variety of expectations that it is easy to lose oneself. It is easy to disconnect from your own hearts as the mind attempts to mold you. It is easy to try to “earn” love instead of simply being yourself and allowing those who love you to come forth. Dear ones, if you could be comfortable being your authentic selves, you could receive so much more assistance from life and your angels. You would receive the echo of the love that you give yourself from the world. If you are comfortable with yourself, you will attract others who are as well.

The authentic self is not something you “figure out” and then strive to “become.” The authentic self is who you truly feel like being in any given moment. Some moments the authentic self is angry. Some moments you are bursting with love! In truth there is always a deeper, more loving self trying to emerge, but rather than trying to be what you are not yet… try to only be, in each moment, who and what you are… right here, right now. Continue reading