Top Reasons to Practice Truthfulness

Top 10 Reasons to Practice TruthfulnessNikki Harper – As human beings, honesty is one of the most valuable traits we can possess. It is the foundation of all healthy relationships, both personal and professional, and it is the cornerstone of a life well-lived. Honesty is the quality of being truthful and sincere, and it is an essential aspect of personal integrity.

But it’s not always easy to be honest. Often in life, it’s tempting to tell a lie – a little white lie, as we tend to sell it to ourselves. Often we might feel that this is the kindest thing to do – or the thing that suits us best.

We may be dishonest to save someone else from pain, or to further our own interests. Dishonesty is a human trait just as much as honesty is – but there are reasons why in the end, truthfulness is always a better bet. Continue reading

Alignment Abundance Authenticity

abundanceJennifer Hoffman – Alignment  Abundance  Authenticity are key areas of spiritual awareness and understanding and we need to get these right be able to use them in the right way, which means that they work in our lives to our benefit instead of to our detriment.

How can these spiritual principles operate to our detriment?

Let me explain:

When we do not know how they work all of the time instead of working in ‘good’ ways. Universal energy is non-judgmental, there is no good or bad. It is all neutral or equal, there is no better or worse, more or less.

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Getting Authentic about Being Authentic

authenticJennifer Hoffman – Every time I hear the phrase ‘they are not being authentic’ or ‘find your authentic self’ it makes me want to cringe because that is simply a misuse of that word and phrase.

No matter how someone behaves or acts they are always being authentic – with themselves. Although they are not aligned with our energy boundaries and priorities that doesn’t make them inauthentic. But there’s another aspect to this that is an energy drain for us and it’s the amount of time, energy, and effort that we’re expending judging and criticizing people we think are being inauthentic, which drains our energy resources and distracts our attention and focus from our own life path. Continue reading

Using Our Powerful Authentic Voice, Even When It’s Hard To Speak

truthDiana Rose Kottle – Being an authentic voice of change can be what breaks through the collective illusions — especially when it’s hard to even speak above the deafening roar of unconsciousness, judgments, and social programming. Such authenticity has the power to dissolve the veils of separation, awaken those who are asleep, and remind those who may have forgotten what incredibly powerful, spiritual energetic beings of light, we all truly are.

Giving voice to the powerful divine messages that want to flow through each of us, in their own unique ways, can move mountains that seemed immovable; it can be the magical kiss that awakens Sleeping Beauty from her 100 year slumber; it can be a reminder of truth, rising above the scarlet poppy fields of unconsciousness, telling Dorothy that the power to leave OZ, to return home again and awaken, has always been inside of her.

There is so much magical potential when we trust our souls guidance and find the courage to bravely share our authentic-soul-truth. 

In the infinite ocean of ‘reality’, being the wave that creates a ripple of change, the voice whose message, echoing through the layers of the collective consciousness, plants seeds of magical potential, to connect with and inspire those on the planet who need to hear your unique authentic truth, your real and raw experiences, your triumphs over pain — will support those who are stuck, to rise above their own limitations and stories of struggle, to access and express their own beautiful flow of high frequency light and information. Continue reading

Message From the Pleiadians April 2016

heartChristine Day – There is much for each one of you to reach out for at this essential time on the planet. Each one of you now get to choose the moment you reach forward to receive that which is uniquely yours. Through the changing energetic vista on your planet you are enabled to move back into a place of powerful restoration within yourself.  There is no need to wait any longer to return back to a place of power within your heart.

As the veils lift on your planet there is a resurrection energy opening up to enable you to realign back to an authentic aspect of your own frequency. This frequency is authentic to you. This light aspect that is being revealed holds the love patterning that your heart cells have been waiting to receive. This patterning creates a rejuvenation of your spirit to open through you.

There are going to be a series of essential veils being lifted through this month to accelerate your own potential to awaken. The focus is placed on moving beyond the illusion that has kept you in that state of struggle, not having enough and feeling as though you are floundering in a state of lack.

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