Dear Mrs. Clinton: Looking for Autocrats? Look in the Mirror

clintonVeronika Kyrylenko – When I first saw a news headline that said “Hillary Clinton calls for curbs on European immigration” this Thanksgiving, I almost dropped a turkey leg.  Was she finally admitting that liberal all-inclusive immigration policies have failed in Europe?  That they have made crime rates skyrocket?  Or that Islamization undermines Europe’s unique civilization entity?  “Probably,” I thought, “Hillary can’t be that honest – because of ‘Islamophobia.'”

Mrs. Clinton’s argumentation turned out to be more prosaic.  “Europe must get a handle on immigration to combat a growing threat from right-wing populists,” she said during her interview for The Guardian.  I was not surprised: Mrs. Clinton was not worried about ordinary Europeans who paid to support Middle Eastern and African refugees while being raped, robbed, and killed in return for their hospitality.  She was upset only about the rising popularity of the “right-wing populists,” opponents of the open-border policies. Continue reading