This New Moon supports imagination, self care, rejuvenation

This New Moon supports imagination, self care, rejuvenationLena Stevens – We are still in the field of this New Moon energy and it is a good time to revisit your desires and intentions for the year. Do they still feel right? Have you had recent experiences that are nudging you away from something old or towards something new? All signs and emotional responses should be paid attention to and, if you stay present with what you feel, it will give you a chance to explore your next move from a place of personal authenticity. Continue reading

January 2023 Energy Report

January 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – Well here we are in the second week of January and things are moving right along. Have you noticed how much is happening in the world right now? Everywhere you turn there is another level of 3D dis-integration and chaos and that is exactly what is supposed to be happening with ascension. It has been happening for decades, it is just moving forward a lot faster now.

This is an exciting and eventful week as we have Mars finally going direct after being retrograde since October 30, we have had dozens of solar flares, and a Friday the 13th, one of two we’ll have this year. So all of that pent up energy that has been swirling around for months now has an outlet. And with Jupiter in Aries while Mars is in Gemini we are going to be watching a rise for the righteous and the fall for those who call the density their preferred hangout. It’s going to be intense, exciting, and a little bit of a bumpy ride. Continue reading

New Energy Coming In this Month – October 2022 Astrology

New Energy Coming In this Month Joseph P Anthony – We have a significant month ahead with lots of cosmic activity. October is a transitional month filled with more optimism and a desire for new experiences. Networking and socializing will be extremely fruitful allowing us to form strong connections with a wide array of powerful allies, both old and new.

The month begins with six planets in retrograde mode, however, that will quickly change as several planets move direct throughout the month. We also have an intense Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and mighty Mars begins its retrograde cycle right before Halloween. Continue reading

Your Effect Times Three Thousand

Your Effect Times Three ThousandOwen Waters – Lightworkers generally avoid listening to the news but sometimes it gets noisy enough to make you wonder what all the fuss is. So, you listen, hopefully through an intuitive window of knowing as a necessary filter. Even so, listening to the news can end up being about as much fun as ripping a bandage off a big wound!

The latest crisis in the news is especially steeped in danger. As such, we are reminded that a crisis often brings, not just danger, but also opportunity. Continue reading

Maintain Balance. This is the way of the master

Maintain BalanceRebecca Couch – These are troubled times. It is the boiling up of the broth that emits the steam, but also purifies it in the process. What is no longer required is alchemized into the ethers. Do what you can to stay grounded and centered in these times, however that works for you. The trees and natural elements are masterful at helping with this.

Stay in your visceral senses that keep you in your body. Stay hydrated and rested. Be vigilant over your mind that it does not carry you away into lower frequency places. Do not entertain fear in any regard. Remember the pure innocence of the child that plays without outer attention at all? This is a good place to start.

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