Criminal Bankers And The Military Industrial Complex

lawKatherine Frisk – Looks to me like nothing has changed. The pieces on the chess board have moved slightly, ever so, but basically they are still the same. And the same story line is in play.

Let’s put it all into some perspective. 2,000 years ago we had a dogmatic and corrupt priesthood with a High Temple Priest in the form of Caiaphas. We had a ruling class, a monarchy, the Herodian Kings who killed their own wives and children, were sexually promiscuous, married their own sisters and murdered anyone who was opposed to them. And we had the Legion. The Roman military industrial complex of the time.

What do we have today? We have a dogmatic priesthood with a Papacy that has, over the last 1,000 years burned millions at the stake who refused to bow to their authority. An Inquisition that is still in place and has not been deconstructed. A priesthood finally exposed for child sex abuse that has been endemic for centuries, and a Pope named Benedict who basks in luxury retirement. The Vatican Bank has defrauded the planet of trillions. Yet they call themselves a Church and market themselves as “Christians.”

According to many sources this is where the tax revenues of nations finally end up. Tax revenues are not used for the benefit of the people who pay them, but for the benefit of the “Catholic” (meaning universal) institution that has designated itself as the owner of the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls.

All roads lead to Rome

According to one recent commentator, the President of the United States takes instruction from the Vatican and in return is given a billion dollar Vatican account, all untraceable of course. The minions are none the wiser.

The money lenders in the Temple who Yeshua whipped – thus sealing his fate on the cross – continue their criminal usury system, turning the world into debt slaves through the Zionist Bankers, the World Bank and the IMF. According to some Goldman Sachs owns the world. Rothschild is said to be the Vatican’s banker and in the catacombs of this audacious structure are buried gold bars and treasure stolen from nations around the world. Continue reading

Personal Observations, Global Shifts, And Changes

gillilandToday’s letter is on a personal note with observations of the global shifts and changes.

Personally I have watched feelings arise I thought were dealt with long ago. I have watched people enter my life almost identical to people in the past harboring the same personas.

We magnetize people and events to us according to our consciousness and wish as I may I am not immune to this process. Thankfully I have mastered a few more tools and methods to process, gain the wisdom and allow these experiences to settle in the soul as wisdom. The sad part is I watch as so many others hold on to their wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences, guarding them like their grandest treasures. God forbid pointing these programs out because they are met with vehement defensiveness. I have never before seen the need to be right defended against all base logic. The more I process my own issues and rise in consciousness the more I feel like an alien.

There is very little love on this planet. When I say love it is not the love most seek and desire. It is a love without agendas, without attachments and judgements. Not the love with hooks, the desire to fill unfulfilled expectations, the voids left by past relationships. It is the love that only comes with one’s own personal God, Spirit, Creator connection. It is the love that allows that connection to flow freely though us. One of the first steps to this process is just being kind to others – all life including ourselves.

In today’s society there is not a lot of kindness being expressed for each other or the Earth. In many cases we have become a nation of wounded zombies with our souls buried under layers of chemicals, psychotronics, psychic turbulence and the programming of social consciousness. The heavy metals like aluminum, strontium, and barium in the chemtrails as well as the fluoride in the water are working. Very well I might add. Continue reading

Michael Krieger ~ Glenn Greenwald on Hilary Clinton: “Soulless, Principle-Free, Power Hungry…”

One attribute I like most about Glenn Greenwald is that he never pulls punches. One of his most prescient and cutting political lines came earlier this year when he made some observations on the upcoming 2016 Presidential election, in which two status quo, corrupt, bloodthirsty con-artists will compete for the Oval Office. While we don’t yet know which crony the GOP will put up, Hillary is pretty much a foregone conclusion for the Democrats. Greenwald observed:

HillaryClintonHillary is banal, corrupted, drained of vibrancy and passion. I mean, she’s been around forever, the Clinton circle. She’s a fucking hawk and like a neocon, practically. She’s surrounded by all these sleazy money types who are just corrupting everything everywhere. But she’s going to be the first female president, and women in America are going to be completely invested in her candidacy. Opposition to her is going to be depicted as misogynistic, like opposition to Obama has been depicted as racist. It’s going to be this completely symbolic messaging that’s going to overshadow the fact that she’ll do nothing but continue everything in pursuit of her own power. They’ll probably have a gay person after Hillary who’s just going to do the same thing.

You can read that and more in the post: Glenn Greenwald on the 2016 Elections – “They’ll Probably Have a Gay Person After Hillary.”

Well Greenwald is back, and this time he outlines exactly who’s excited about Hillary’s forthcoming run for the Presidency. Here are some excerpts from the Intercept:

It’s easy to strike a pose of cynicism when contemplating Hillary Clinton’s inevitable (and terribly imminent) presidential campaign. As a drearily soulless, principle-free, power-hungry veteran of DC’s game of thrones, she’s about as banal of an American politician as it gets. One of the few unique aspects to her, perhaps the only one, is how the genuinely inspiring gender milestone of her election will (following the Obama model) be exploited to obscure her primary role as guardian of the status quo. Continue reading